Chapter 2: The Great Escape

Start from the beginning

"You promised to leave us alone! Whyare you here?! Haven't you and your species..." she spat, "haven't you done enough yet?"

Helena got out of the car and listened patiently to the old woman's rant.

" You took my son. You messed up my granddaughter. What the fuck do you want now?"

"I didn't do anything to Chloe. Quite the contrary…” Helena quietly responded.

Enough of this shit. I stepped out and leaned onto the car’s ceiling.

“We're looking for Chloe. She has been a bad girl. She has taken something that belongs to me."

Stunned Gran stared at me.

"Chloe a bad girl...that's rich. You people are just too stupid to see what she has done for all of you." Gran yelled back.

Darien rolled down his window and growled. Mrs. Faulkner took a step backwards.

"Still quite the vampire I see..." She hissed.

Darien looked amused out of the window and I walked around the hood of the car.

Gran shifted her gaze to me.

"That is close enough. Who the fuck are you?" she said holding her hand up.

"Old woman…you’d better bow to your king." Darien laughed from inside the car.

Gran stared at me…"Oh dear. Mr Turner himself, I presume."

I nodded and a smile broke through her features.

"Excellent. Noah Turner. Nice and harmless now..." She said with a smirk on her face while turning her back to me and walking back to her porch.

Me? Harmless? Hardly.

“I’m not done talking to you.” I said, catching up with her.

“Well, I don’t see much point in continuing this.” She smirked.

“Wait a second now…” I started, getting pissed off more by the minute.

“The core is gone. All that remains is a set of fangs. You are harmless. You no longer pose a threat to us. ” She said with a smile on her face.

I followed the old woman to the porch but was pushed back when I walked into her protection spell.

I was impressed. Normally I walk right through their silly little wards. I pushed harder and felt the skin on my face and hands growing hotter.

Determined to not let this conversation end, I pushed further into the barrier, catching fire as I came closer to the front door.

Gran turned and looked at me with a frown on her face when she saw that my hair was on fire.

"Go away." She hissed.

“This time I’ll ask you nice. The next will be less nice.” She threatened.

“You don’t scare me old woman.”

The old woman whispered something and a head splitting pain coursed through my head.

I lost my temper and pushed through the ward, stepping inside the protective bubble around the house.

"I haven't invited you! And I won't!" Mrs Faulkner yelled.

Burning, I turned towards the car. "Helena get your tight little ass in there and invite me."

Helena crossed her arms and shook her head. "Not this time, Noah. I gave them my word."

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