Gender Reveals and Surprises

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Sandy's P.O.V
So my aunt gave me a lovely idea to announce little Zuko's gender. I hope that we have a baby girl so that I can put bows in her hair and buy her cute little dresses but Danny wants a boy so he can teach him about cars and hair gel and buy him little leather jackets.
I cannot wait to tell everyone. "Danny don't forget that the gender appointment is today?" I yelled to Danny who was somewhere in the house. "I know I wouldn't forget that..we might have a little tbird on our hands."
He said smiling and lighting a cigarette. "No sir take that out side I am pregnant and that's not safe for the baby!" I said shooing him and he laughed and went outside.

*Time skip to the appointment*

Sandy's P.O.V
"Are you guys excited?" Dr. McNider asked with a big smile on her face. "Yes we are!" I said with a ecstatic laugh. "I hope it's a boy.." Danny whispered with a laugh making the doctor smile. "So you are five months? Are you feeling okay? Any morning sickness?" Dr. McNider asked looked at me. "I have the occasional morning sickness but everything else is normal." I said shaking my head and looking at her and then to Danny and smiling. "Okay this will be a little cold Sandy..." She said lifting my shirt to pull some gel on my stomach making me jump and Danny chuckle. She moved a wand around on the gel and
then the room was quite and all we could hear was the thumping sound of our babies heart. My eyes started watering and I looked at Danny who was looking at the monitor. "That's our baby.." he said looking at me smiling and I nodded. "Aha you thought you could hide.." the doctor said smiling and moving the wand around.. there was a different sound behind the thumping that sounded like another heartbeat. "You are a very lucky couple! You guys are having twins!" She said smiling and looking at us. We looked at each other. "We are having two babies.." I said looking at danny, he smiled and kissed me.

Danny's P.O.V
I'm having two babies...two!!
"What are the genders doc?" I said looking at my babies on the monitor. "We are telling our friends tonight." Sandy said smiling at the doctor. "Well in that case you guys better tell them you both got what you wanted cause your having a baby boy and a baby girl!" Dr McNider said clapping. I looked at Sandy and kissed her. She will be a perfect mother...

*Later that day*

Lonnies P.O.V
Kenickie woke me up really early this morning because we had somewhere we had to be and it's only 11:00a.m. "I just don't understand what's so important at this time of day.." I said lighting his cigarette. "Just hush and enjoy the ride." He said putting his hand on my face messing up my hair. Rude.

Kenickies P.O.V
Okay so don't yell at me I know it's a bit early but I'm taking Lonnie somewhere special today because I am gonna ask her to marry me...Everyone will be there and I hope she says yes. I know I know we have only been together months but I wanna spend my life with her. Don't call me cheesy cause I'm not I just don't wanna die alone..ya know?

Lonnie's P.O.V
"Murdoch are we there yet" I said playing with my sleeve. "Yea almost now stop asking would ya?" He said as the car turned the corner and slowed to a stop. "We are at the spot where we first met??" I asked looking at him and realizing everyone was here. "Yes Lon we are at the spot where we met when we were kids." He said. "We are having a picnic it's a nice day!!" Frenchy said with a huge smile. If I didn't know her I'd say she's hiding something but big smiles is what makes Frenchy herself.

             *later during the picnic*

Sandys P.O.V
"Hey everyone me and Danny have some news about little Zuko!" I said putting my hand on my belly. "We are having twins!" Danny yelled. Everyone cheered. "What are their genders?" Lonnie asked. "Drum roll please!!!" Danny said laughing. The guys all patted their leg. "Ladies we will have a new member of our group!" I said smiling and looking at Danny. "And guys we will have a new member to our group!" Danny said high fiving Kenickie.
   *later on as they are cleaning up the picnic*

Lonnie's P.O.V
A niece and nephew??? Danny sure has his hands full! "Hey Lon? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Everyone stopped what they were doing. I nodded confused. Kenickie got down on one knee and then I realized what was happening... "Lonnie my life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappears. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the end of my life. And I want to be with all my life. I know we haven't been together long but... Will you do me the honor and be my wife?" He said as he pulled out a beautiful engagement ring. "Yes Murdoch I will most definitely be your wife!" I said with tears in my eyes as I kissed him. Everyone cheered as we all started heading home.

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