Lets play catchup

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Lonnies P.O.V
The past few weeks have been a breeze. Everyone knows about Sandy and Danny's unborn child.. some are surprised while some aren't because of the reputations the two hold. I don't really know where I stand I just know I'm gonna be an aunt and it will be my job to spoil that little ankle biter..and me and Kenickie are still figuring out the roommate life since it's all still so new but I think we have it figured out. And there is some new chick at school... Frenchy said her name's Bethany or Betty is or something like that but she said we can call her Rizzo. I feel bad for the girl actually cause who switches school in the middle of senior year?

Sandy's P.O.V
We finally get to see the baby's gender!! I sure hope we have a baby girl.. Penelope Rose Zuko is such a cute name but if the baby is a boy I like Ricky Dean Zuko!

So sorry that this chapter was kinda crap but I'm still trying to keep the story going..what gender do you guys think the baby is?! Comment what you think!

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