12 Death in the family

Start from the beginning

Vi landed properly, as did Spock but Kirk had just missed the handle, and was now clinging to the edge, his arms almost ripped out of their sockets.

"Jim!" Spock gasped, lunging for one his flailing legs.

Vi grabbed Kirk's arm and pulled. Together they pulled him up.

"I'm heading for the cockpit! See if you can disconnect the cargo link!" Vi shouted over the howl of the wind as the train continued at it's insane speed.

Spock nodded and he and Kirk turned around and made their way towards the end.

Vi dropped into the cockpit. The pilot was knocked out on the floor.

Vi wheeled around to see none other than the green faced man. He was clapping slowly. "I'm impressed. I genuinely thought you were on the Enterprise."

"Well you thought wrong. What are you doing?"

"I'm finishing what I started that long time ago when I sent a little missile after your companion." He smiled pleasantly.

"Why? Why are you going after Vulcan?" Vi felt the train rocking from side to side.

"I'm an old acquaintance. Not of the Commander personally, but an acquaintance none the less."

"Fine. If this train crashes then you'll die as well. You do know what's in this right?" Vi kept her eyes trained on his.

"If I didn't I wouldn't be here. Now, I would thank you kindly to either throw yourself off the train or else I will be forced to take stronger measures." He cracked his knuckles.

"Like what? Will you bash me on the back of the head like you did him?" Vi nodded to the passed out Vulcan sprawled on the floor.

"No no. I would like you to watch this planet tear itself apart." He pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Vi backed away in the small space. "Who are you?"

"I'm glad you asked. You may call me Olympus, for from me will come gods."

"Not full of yourself are you." Vi snorted.

He snarled and lunged forward with the cuffs. She dodged and jumped for the opening that she had come through.

He grabbed her leg and handcuffed her ankle to the ladder.

She now had her elbows on the train roof and her ankle shackled to the strong ladder. Vi knew this was bad.

"The pass is in five minutes. I will leave now." Olympus said calmly. He teleported out.

"Spock!" Vi screamed.

She could see him and Kirk. They were running back towards her.

"I can't unhook it!" Kirk yelled.

"I'm trapped!"

Spock had now made it to the opening. He could see now see the full extent of Vi's predicament.

The opening was only big enough for one, and Vi had filled the space. But she couldn't go up or down due to where her ankle was locked.

"This train's going to derail in five minutes!" Vi looked through blowing strands of her black hair.

"What do we do?" Kirk had now caught up to them.

Spock pulled on her arm desperately. "I cannot get you free!"

"The pilot was knocked out. The red matter will make the planet implode! You have to do something!" Vi's arms were beginning to ache from holding up her weight.

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