8 Olympus

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Vi was happy. She was engaged to the commander of the Enterprise. Spock. She rolled the name around her tongue.

"We're ready for the ground mission!" Fred called.

Vi double checked her equipment. Phaser. Teleport beacon. She also had a beautiful bracelet from Spock that had a teleport beacon inbedded inside it. Her ring dangled from a chain around her neck.

She still hadn't told all the crew. Kirk and Bones knew. No one else as of yet.

"Ready?" Vi was pilot. They were manning a small spacecraft to a new planet.

"That is affirmative." Spock gave a short nod.

"How the hell do I get dragged into these things?" Bones grumbled as he climbed in.

"Because our ground team needs a medic." Fred climbed in behind him.

They took off at a reasonable speed. The planet was uninhabited according to records and life signs.

Vi was just getting close to the atmosphere when something exploded out of warp drive.

It was Federation make. It started firing on them.

"Captain can you please make contact with that vessel. Our craft is not made to take this kind of frontal assault!" Spock tapped away on his small device.

"I'm trying Spock they're not responding!" Kirk's voice sounded panicked. "That ship went missing years ago! I don't know how it got here but I think it's safe to assume the Federation isn't flying it!"

"Damn." Vi skillfully guided it back around. "I'm heading back Captain! You're the closest shelter!"

The ship took another big hit, throwing Spock to the side.

"Commander buckle up!" Vi yelled.

Spock complied.

"Commence firing Mr Sulu!"

The Enterprise was bigger then the other vessel, but that didn't seem to affect anything.

"They've launched biolocking missiles Captain!" Pavel screeched.

"What have they biolocked on?" Vi swerved more shots as she sped towards the Enterprise.

"It appears to be Vulcan DNA." Pavel faltered.

"Fred take the con." Vi squeezed past him. "How many missiles have they launched?"


"Right." Vi turned to Spock. "If I take the escape pod they could follow me instead."

"But the statistical likelihood of your survival is exponentially low!" Spock grabbed her hand. "Don't go."

"If I don't go those missiles will kill us all."

"70 seconds until impact!" Pavel screeched.

"I've got this." She indicated her bracelet. "I love you."

She plugged herself in to the escape pod.

"No!" Spock screamed but it was too late. The pod launched away from the ship.

"Mr Scott you must lock onto her signal now." He turned to the comm.

"Aye but I cannae garuntee I can grab her."

"You will grab her. She is to be my wife and life long partner." Spock said into the comm.

"What?" Scotty choked.

"The missiles are following her! 20 seconds until impact!"

"Now Mr Scott!" Spock shouted, gripping the tablet so hard his knuckles turned white.

The missiles exploded into the pod.

"Wait No!" Scotty said desperately.

"No!" Spock dropped the tablet, smashing it. His head was pounding from keeping back tears. Must suppress emotions.... Must...

He screamed and cried, a sound that no one on the ship had heard him make before. It conveyed so much raw anger and loss. "She sacrificed herself for me." His voice was broken. "She did the most logical and unemotional action to save my life." He doubled over, weeping and choking.

Fred landed the shuttle in silence.

Spock could barely stumble off the ship. What he saw made his head spin.

Vi, his Vi, was running up to him at full speed. He caught her up in his arms. "But how..?" His voice was now a whisper.

"I got teleported out. I'm fine. I'm fine." Vi kissed him again and again.

"Just in the nick of time too. One more second and you would be toast lassie." Scotty seemed almost bemused by Spock's reaction.

"You broke your receiver. We could all hear you. But you couldn't hear me, yelling I was alive." Vi wiped the tears off his face.

"Never, never do that again." He mumbled into her hair as he held her tightly.

The Enterprise shook like an earthquake and groaned. The other Federation vessel was still firing.

"You are not leaving my immediate sight or company." Spock intertwined his fingers with hers firmly.

They ran for the bridge.

"Congratulations!" Pavel and Sulu gave a heads up as they manned the con.

"I acknowledge and respect your sentiment." Spock stood looking at the foreign ship.

"Who the hell is flying that?!" Kirk yelled in frustration.

"I'm receiving some communication!" Uhura waved a hand frantically.

"Patch it through!"

"Greetings Captain." A green face curled up in a smirk.

"What do you want? How did you get a Federation vessel??"

"What I want is the most precious thing you have."

"What could that be?" Kirk gave confused look at the rest of the crew.

"I'm a collector Captain. But I've already got what I wanted. That was a warning. I need a Vulcan." The face smiled cruelly.

"Why'd you send biolocking missiles to blow up a Vulcan if you want one so badly?" Kirk shot back.

"Because I know that if supply is below demand the value rises."

"I don't understand what the hell you're saying."

"I'm saying I am attacking New Vulcan very soon. I have now iradicated the Vulcan associated with the Federation. It was good to meet you." The call ended.

"This is bad." Vi groaned.

"He does not know there are two Vulcans associated with the Enterprise." Spock observed.

"What the hell do we do?" Kirk massaged his temples.

"Engage the warp drive to New Vulcan. First I will contact them to warn them." Spock went to the con with Vi in tow.

"Who was that? How did he know you were aboard the ship?" Vi whispered to Spock as he contacted the elders of New Vulcan.

"I do not know." Spock was worried, she could tell.

"Commander Spock?" They seemed genuinely surprised to hear from him.

"A unknown person has just informed us that he intends to attack New Vulcan. He engaged us with biolocking missiles. Please prepare for escape plan three."

They nodded. "Live long and prosper."

The ship hit warp drive.

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