Prologue: Farewells, Grave Robbing, and Prisoners

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If you're reading this then I take it this journal has made its way back home. If so, then you must be a Luna too. I was told the purpose of the Luna journals was to prepare the future Alpha female for her role. I don't know if my story can prepare someone for the role of a leader. However, I do know my story can prepare you for the rest of the world.

I'll share everything with you. All the lessons I have learned and every secret I've held on to for so long. Firstly, by this point you should know that you don't live in the world you think you do. This world is so much bigger than humans, werewolves, and witches. This will all be more explained later, for now, how about an introduction? I am Lianna and I am what you would call a hybrid. Part werewolf and part witch. There are only two of my kind living in existence. You see if you are a special type of witch there are certain types of magic in the world kinda like specialty powers. Mine just so happens to be command and transformation magic.

Let me start this story with the events that had led me to this. You see it began a month almost exactly, off the Spanish coast in the Mediterranean sea deep beneath in the lost city of Atlantis, where I got to live my dream of being a mermaid.......

I swam aside the beautiful royal garden, admiring how the plant life swayed in the current. As I gazed at the myriad of flora I was slightly startled out of my musing at the sound of the doors opening and closing again. With a sharp turn of my head, I looked at one of the guards heading my way. Turning expectantly, I greet the man.

"Hello there, what can I do for you?" I asked politely. The man cracked a small and brief smile before speaking.

"The Queen has asked for your presence in the throne room right away Miss Lianna if you would follow me please." He motioned for me to follow as he swam quickly ahead to open the door.

The guard led me down the long hallway before reaching an extravagant set of double doors. Pushing the doors open I see the Queen sitting her throne. "Ah, there you are Lianna." Queen Allyra greets expectantly. I swam forward with a warm smile on my face, coming to a stop a few feet before the throne.

"You wanted to see me, your majesty?" I bowed in respect. The royal before me laughs lightly before motioning me to stand up straight.

"Bowing is not necessary Lianna. I sent someone to fetch you from the gardens outside of the study. Were you taking a break from?" She asked. "You know you can't stare into the time glass for too long without resting." The Queen reminded me. Queen Allyra was right. Many times had I been woken up by worried people because I had decided to push myself too far.

The time glass was the reason I was here. It's floating orb that will show you the past, present, and future of all things. Something which is off-limits to everybody except the Queen. And with special permission, me. I had to look inside of the sphere and find the final resting place of Malichai's Dagger. The only weapon that can kill anything supernatural no matter how powerful. Especially a hybrid.

"Actually your highness, I found it early this morning! It seems to be in a crypt on the mainland. I just wanted to look around the gardens in peace one last time. You know how it is my favorite place in the whole palace." I answered honestly.

"Ah, I do not blame you. Our garden is known for its beauty and vibrancy. But back to the matter at hand." The Queen sighs, looking disheartened before continuing, her deep brown eyes glinting with sadness. "I summoned you here because someone on the mainland is looking for you. He claims to be from your pack. An Alex Porter. He said it was urgent"

I look to floor for a moment trying to think of what to say next. I knew I had to leave soon but, today seems unfair. I raised my eyes, meeting my new friend's solemn gaze. "Well, I guess this is it. I will miss you, my friend." I smiled up at Allyra. I enjoyed my time here and with her. We grew close these past six months, it is all so bittersweet. I start to turn away to go gather my things. When I heard her voice worriedly yell "Wait!" I turn to see an uneasy look upon the Queens's face.

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