Chapter Seven: Hallway Banter

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no I'm fine. I'm good." Lies, bittersweet lies. Gundham could determine any lies that came his way, even ones coated in sweet honey and nectar, Gundham could see that it was a lie. His brother lied all the time, so with that, Gundham knows how to differentiate or even pick at the truth.

Unlike Souda's predictions, Gundham responded with placing a hand on Souda's shoulder, extremely unexpected from a dark and mysterious guy like him. With the motion of his thumb, he started circling his thumbs around his shoulder, and soon Souda's jumpy exterior started to calm down. Though difficult to maintain the motion for Gundham since they were both walking, the effort made Kazuichi be able to breathe again and clear his mind from any anxious thoughts.

Once Gundham lifted his hand from Kaz's shoulder, he returned to his original position, facing forward and walking as if nothing had occurred. But it was hard to deny that anything didn't happen.

It could all be seen on Kaz's now pink blushing cheeks. 'Huh, that was weird,' thought the pink hair male. It wouldn't be surprised a small smile was upon his face, for a moment, he had completely forgotten about everything that was happening around him.

All his mind thought about was the lingering touch of Gundham's hand on his left shoulder, as if the emotion could be compared to one of pure bliss.

"So Gundham," both males' attention instantly went to Nagito, who was babbling on about the school around them when they weren't paying attention to him. "What do you think of our small school," Nagito said through his infamous closed smile. 'Small school' was an understatement. Hope's Peak Academy is five stories high, with dorms around the school for the students and the staff members. Souda would know, as most of his school memories are just ones of him running up the stairs class to class.

Gundham lowered his scarf from his mouth, moving it from its original resting place where it laid if solemnity. As he was soon to answer, a loud "OWIE," interrupted his train of thought. Now all third years turned around to face the cause of the noise, the eruption coming from down the hall behind Nagito.

As confusion was exchanged between Souda and Nagito, Gundham had felt his legs move on his own toward the cause of the sound, Nagito and Kazuichi soon followed in pursuit.

As they reached the end of the hall, the image of the being on the floor started to clear up. It was impossible to not realize who the person on the floor was, by their purple messy hair to the checkered scarf hung around his neck, Gundham knew the physique all too well.

"Kokichi? Has a fathom beast injured your body and caused your body to commence to the position you're at now?" Kokichi looked up from the floor and stared at his brother with his beady eyes. It was quite strange why Kokichi was in the place he was in. The end of the hallway only held the small storage room beneath the stairs.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." Kokichi picked himself up from the ground, dusting off his clothes which were now littered with sprinkles of dust bunnies and dirt. A figure that wasn't seen before was also on the ground but leaned against the storage room door. Kokichi pointed toward the figure with his shaky pale hand, showing clear signs of injury, "But he isn't."

The person perched on the door was a second-year student known as Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the ultimate moral compass. At the moment, he looked extremely faint on the door. "I was walking down the stairs and he was walking upwards and we didn't see each other. We tumbled down the stairs."

Kazuichi felt concern for both victims, being injured is something Kaz is used to, working with machines and tools, but for Gundham somethings didn't add up. The bottom of the stairs was on the left side of the hallway, so if Kokichi and Taka were to fall together down the stairs, they'd be on the floor or on the left wall of the hallway. The storage room door and where Kokichi was laying down before was away from the bottom of the stairs. What was even more peculiar was Taka's placement, it's possible that Kokichi crawled toward the center of the hallway but with Taka seemingly passed out, how was he able to position himself on the door when his place of possible impact with Kokichi is farther away.

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