Moving forwards together.

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For the first time in his life Ben Solo was in love. He knew it, knew it with every fibre of his being. He didn't want to imagine a life without Rey now. A life without Rey was a life without air.

Those three words had stopped Rey in her tracks.  They had seemed too magical, too healing to be true and yet, as she had looked into his eyes, she knew he meant every word.

They held each other, breathing in each other's scent, relaxing in the familiarity of it. Finally Ben pulled away and took Rey's hands. She was shaking as her teary eyes met his. Rey smiled at him through her tears and then something quite unexpected happened, Ben smiled back at her.

It was something that Ben had not done for a very long time and it took him by surprise. Rey delighted in it, her hand coming up to caress his cheek. "You have a beautiful smile" Rey whispered. Ben couldn't take the smile from his lips as Rey leant in to him and kissed him again and again. That was his mind made up. Whatever it took to make this work he would do.

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