SLOWLY UNWRAPPED: A Very Short Christmas Story

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                                                        Decatur Georgia, Christmas Day


Nikki yanked the handle of the shopping buggy. It stuck. She cursed and gave it another jerk but it remained jammed.   

“Use your foot,” Shelby instructed. “Like this.” With one solid kick, Shelby wedged the buggy free. “I still don’t understand why you’re going through all this stress and aggravation, Nik. The man just gave you a ring. Are you really sure you want to risk cooking for him?”

Nikki grimaced. “Thanks a lot, Shel.”              

“I’m just sayin’ he has to know by now that you’re no domestic goddess.”

“But I still want to do this for him,” Nikki insisted. “He’s come all this way from Montana. The least we can do is show him some Southern holiday cheer.”

 “But didn’t you tell me his mother’s a Texan?” Shelby remarked.

“She is,” Nikki replied. “But Texas isn’t Georgia, Shel. I’d argue that Texas is even part of the south. They eat tamales on Christmas. We don’t do that.”

“Yeah, well they don’t exactly sell turkey and dressing at Walgreens either.”

“But there was no place else open. What am I even going to feed him?” Nikki lamented, nearly at the point of despair. “I thought it was only going to be us and you don’t eat meat so I didn’t even buy anything for a real Christmas meal.”

“Don’t worry about me. I already have plans with that hot guy from Home Depot who delivered our Christmas tree. You could always just go out to eat,” Shelby suggested.

“Where? Everything is closed on Christmas Day.”

“There’s the China Buffet on North Decatur,” Shelby said. “You could do the Peking duck like they ate in A Christmas Story. Or there’s always Waffle House. They never close for anything.”   

 “I can’t believe you just suggested Waffle House for Christmas Dinner.” Nikki sounded an exasperated huff.  “It just wouldn’t feel right. Christmas is meant to be spent at home.”

“All right. Have it your way. Let’s try the frozen food case.”

Nikki chewed her lip as they scanned the contents of the freezer. The first two cases held nothing but Lean Cuisine and frozen pizzas. The third held more promise.

“Lookie here, Nik,” Shelby exclaimed. “I think we hit the jackpot.” She tossed two boxes of Stouffers frozen mac and cheese into the cart with a grin. “A Southern holiday staple.”

“Great! What else is there?” Nikki asked.

“I think I even got you covered on the turkey.” Shelby tossed two Marie Callender’s turkey pot pies into the cart. Wheeling down the snack aisles, they added a big bag of pecans.

“What am I going to do about dessert?” Nikki asked.

Shelby paused at the breakfast foods. “If he likes cherries we’ve got desert covered.”

“I don’t know about cherries but he certainly has a thing for peaches.” Nikki recalled a certain night in a mountain cabin with a sudden frisson of desire.

Shelby tossed a box of cherry Pop Tarts into the cart.

Nikki snorted. “Pop Tarts?”

 “Why not? A tart’s the same as a pie right?”

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