A note read:

For you Mom. Love ya, Sally

P.S. I'm heading to the station to talk to the Police.

Laura smiled, and she took the shot glass, and took a shot of Crown.

She loved the taste, and poured another shot! Then she poured Vodka, and Orange juice into a cup, and sat down, and started drinking it.

A few seconds passed, and she started to feel weird.

She stood up, and fell down onto the floor, then she started to puke!

"What!" Laura cried!

She looked up, and saw A Woman In Black at her back door.

"Oh shit!" She cried!

She was over dosing!

Laura quickly grabbed a cup of water, and just started drinking as much water as she could!

She ran to the back door, but The Woman In Black was gone.

She heard a ticking sound, and a timer went off!

She stared at the timer, and then:


Something in the oven exploded, causing debris to fly out at her! Laura screamed, and her arm caught fire! She was pushed back against the wall!

Whatever it was, was causing her cabinets, and her fridge to explode to!

"God! No!" Laura screamed!

She bolted out her back door, and ran as far away from her house as possible!

Then she watched as it began to crumble from the top, something caused her house to explode!

She fell to her knees, and started to scream!



Tracey was in the intensive care unit wing! She had to get into that basement, to shut all the power off, but she couldn't, because she needed a Doctors Key Card, and she didn't have one!

Doctor Murphy 60"s was on her usual break, which included coffee, and a donut, then a cigarette break. Doctor Murphy had long brown hair, that went to her shoulders. And she always liked to get things done early.

Tracey watched as Doctor Murphy drank her coffee. She looked extremely stressed.

"Excuse me do you have a pass?" Doctor Mary asked.

"No." Tracey said.

"Then you need to leave, and go back to the waiting room."

"But I just need to get some water." Tracey said.

Doctor Mary nodded, and she went into the break room.

This was Traceys chance, Tracey started to run down the hallway, and she pulled open the basement door!

An alarm sounded, Doctors got up from their seats at the check in desk, and patients began to leave their rooms.

Tracey ran down a flight of steps, she knew what she had to do, and she was going to do it. Her phone rang, and rang but she ignored the call.

She saw a room marked:  Power Room. But the door was locked, it required a key.

"Damn it!" Tracey cried!

She looked around for anything she could bust open the door with, and she saw an ax, she broke the ax case, and grabbed the ax, then she started hitting the door knob as much as she could.

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