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I woke up happy,happy since I knew I would be seeing Arrow today.I headed to the hermes cabin,and as I got close I heard the whole cabin start laughing,and I panicked,I ran to the hermes cabin screaming arrows name,the stoll brother's pranks are usually extreme.
But as soon as I opened the door I saw Arrow,but she looked fine,I looked around and saw two people covered in what I think is flour and feathers,then I noticed that it was Travis and Connor
,so naturally I joined everyone else in laughing,and after a while,I asked Arrow what happened,and was delighted to hear that this was her plan.
We went to brakfast,where Arrow had to unfortunately sit at the hermes table.
After breakfast we all went to practice,Arrow is apparently great with all sorts of weapons,but she is going to be taking spear lessons from Clarrise in addition to the normal lessons.
She is also great at sensing auras,we figured that out after she was able to guess the parents of 7 unclaimed campers,apparently,children of Demeter smell like nature.
She was spending all day with me,and qhile we were coming back from bunker nine,she asked me if children of Hecate can sense curses,she then told me that she believed she was cursed.
"Ever since I was younger,something weird would happen if I got mad,I would get a terrible pain in my head"she told me.
"But it wasn't a headache,it was much worse,it felt like a knife was being stabbed into my head,but it gets worse"
"How could that get worse" I asked after she said that last line.
"Everyone around me feels the pain as well."
I remember when I was in first grade,that was the first time I ever really got angry,a teacher had punished me for a broken window,it just shattered when I was getting my lunch,but since I was the only one there I was blamed,I was expelled for it later,that was the first time I was expelled,and I was so confused,I got expelled a second time that same year,from a different school,because I punched someone ,he was making fun of my name,and had slapped me,he was also expel-"she said before I cut her off by saying.
"Um Arrow?"
"You are going out of topic"
"Right,stupid ADHD,anyways i was standing in the corner,getting angrier by the second,soo,I got so angry I punched the wall,and then I felt the horrible pain in my head,so did everyone else,including the teacher,we were all sent to the hospital,were I was eventually able to calm down,I was put in a room by myself,because anyone who was close felt the pain.
It was believed that there was some sort of radiation on me,that eventually wore of."
"Oh gods,thats awfull."I said giving her a hug.
"Also when-when"she said giggling
"When I punched the wall,I broke my arm"she said laughing.
I couldn't help it,so I joined her.
We then went to the Hecate cabin,where the councler studied Arrow,she thaen told her that she was endeed cursed,but also that her curse was decided before she was born,so she was destined to be cursed.
Arrow just excepted the fact,which was surprising.
Soon I told her about the big prophecy,then it was her turn to hug me.
Then I told her that we should tell Will and percy, about her abuse,since will was the doctor and Percy was basically the camp leader.
She agreed but said that she doesn't want to be there when I do tell them,so she went to train with Clarrise,while I went to tell Percy and Will,which were both at the infirmary.
When I was done they were both raging,and threatening to kill her stepfather.
After they calmed down,Will asked me to bring Arrow for a physical exam,to make sure that everything had healed.
So I did,she protested at first,but eventually came.
Will had a shirt and shorts with him which he asked her to put on,since it would probably bemore comfortable,as soon as I saw her arms and legs,I was on fire,literally,she was covered in belt marks,and cuts,tge same on her back and stomach,however,she had nothing past her elbows,and collar bone.
Well ended up having to remove glass from some of her cuts,apparently her stepdad had thrown bottles at her,he also had to use some healing magic to repair some bones which had healed badly,she had about half  as much scars as percy,that's a lot.
When she was done we went to lunch,then I took her to bunker  9,she was really interested,she actually helped me solve some problems,having a different point of view is really helpful,we finished up and went to dinner,where she decided to sit with the Hermes cabin,after dinner she came up to me and told me she was going to the cabin with them,she then said,and I quote"watch your back,it is very prankable"
Soo I don't know if I will sleep tonight.

First of all,I am sorry for how long this took.

Second,I think all chapters are gonna be this big.

Third,I need a fatal flaw for Arrow,entries are open in all chapters until the fatal flaw is mentioned.

Fourth,I need a nickname for Arrow.

Fifth,I need a nickname for percy from Arrow,entries for nicknames are open until the nicknames are mentioned.

Sixth,a weapon which Arrow is best at,or if you think that she should be equally good at all weapons say that,entries are open until I mention which weapon she is best at is.

And don't forget to share your opinion,and tell me if  you have any helpful notes.
Just try not to be too harsh.

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