The dreded day

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*lex's POV*

I walked slowly in my house trying to take in what just happened. I wiped the tears off my face and walked into the kitchen. I rested part of my weight in my hands the rested on the counter. I grabbed the knife and sat down on the ground. I yanked up my sleeve and started making slow deep painful cuts on my arm. I cried out in pain and kept cutting. I threw my knife in the sink and slowly walked up the stairs with my arm dripping blood. I don't know what I'm gonna do next.

I walked into my moms room and opened her medicine box and pulled out my sleeping pills. I ripped open the bottle and poured them all in my mouth and swallowed them all.

I sat on the ground and grabbed my phone out. I turned on the camera and turned it to face me.

Looking in the camera probably looking horrible. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everyone I ever hurt. I'm sorry for what ever I did Zack. I love you and always will. I'm sorry. To everyone who is wondering I didn't have sex with Zack. But something that did happened he told me he would kill me if I ever said something. He raped me twice. He kept me locked in his basement till he let me go. I'm sorry if anyone ever thought I slept with him I'm really not a slut. I'm not blaming this in anyone but I'm just not feeling this life anymore. I love you Zack mom. I'm sorry to the baby in my stomach sorry you won't ever be able to meet your dad or grandma. I'm sorry but I can't survive these next nine months no matter how much I love you." I hit the end button and pulled up the Facebook app. I hit the add photo video button and clicked on my video and posted it.

I started to feel really sleepy so I laid down. I started dozing off and dreaming about Zack and my mom and even the baby.

Never thing in knew I felt my self being picked up and carried somewhere. I slightly opened my eyes and seen Zack.

"Lex please don't die. I love you I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He kept saying and I fell asleep and seen my dad standing there trying to get me to go to him. Something told me to walk the other way.

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