She lucked my hand and ran away. 

"Have you heard from you sister lately?" Karan asked. 

"I think not. Can I ask why?" 

"Some things happened in the Graham lately." 


"Nothing much. She just shrinked." 


You people might be thinking that why I overreacted. But let me tell you, she isn't a cloth which would shrink. She's human. Or?? Not human? 

"Hey you don't have to react much." 





He shouted at me bringing me back to reality. I really was overreacting. 


"She's one of us Neel. We know this. Last night she just shrinked and reshifted rapidly. It just had to be that today morning she found mark of Agni (Fire God) on her arm." 

"What happened last night?" 

"Well we don't know. Something like a comet came and then she just shrinked." 

Too many coincidences! She too saw a comet last night. Having so many coincidences in such a short period of time was definitely not a coincidence

Now I understood what Guruji was talking about. 

"Karan look it's strange but-"

Just then around three to four people landed on me. 

"Guys it really hurts. I am definitely not Hulk!"

"I missed you really really missed you." Anshu said while messing with my hair. 

"But I didn't." 

"You are lying." 

"I am not. I didn't got time to." 

"You are obviously lying brother. Your ear gets reddish when you attempt to make a lie." 

"No it doesn't." 

"Off course it doesn't. But see what, you accepted that you lied." 

"Yeah I did." 

"He might not have missed us." said Chitrakshi giving me a look. 

"Does it matter if I tell you or not? You surely will read my mind." 

"I wasn't reading back there." 

"I can surely tell you are lying." 

"I am not going to waste my time standing here. Aren't you going to tell us something or else, the medical room might be missing you." 

"Okay okay. I give up. But I will tell you the details while we explore the castle. Is it okay?"

"Accepted." they said in chorus. 

I told them a little information, a small piece of every incident that happened recently. Some of them made looks, some I even didn't know who they were. I gave them small description about the harsh chores I had to do in the name sake of training. 

We explored the kitchen and then the court as time passed. The ceremony was about to begin so we headed back to the hall. 

"The training given was harsh indeed. But look at the results." Chitrakshi commented. 

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