Chapter 49: Love

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Rey's POV:

Ben leaves and runs into the other room leaving me even more confused than I already was. When he returns to the darkened room I've been standing in for what feels like an eternity, he grabs my hand and practically drags me to the Falcon. He rushes me inside using the force to seal up the ship behind us. I throw my hands on my knees and gasp for air, completely winded. I'm exhausted between all the running, emotional swings, and panic attacks. I don't know how much energy I got left in me. All I want to do right now is curl up on the floor in a ball and sleep. I watch as Ben runs around in the ship in search of any possible unwanted guests. 'How does this man have any energy left?' He finally slows down as he sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridal style into the cockpit. I still have no idea what he is up to as he gingerly places me into the pilot seat. Unsure of what else we are here for, I swivel the chair to the forward position and begin to prepare myself and the ship for taking off. My head is swimming with questions as my confusion continues to grow. "Ok Ben, where are we off too?" Figuring that was a good place if any to start.

Ben's POV:

"Ok Ben, where are we off too?" I am so terrified, my hands have been shaking this entire time and I just hope that Rey has not noticed. I turn off the Falcon's startup commands she has started and turned her chair till she is facing me again. 'Force, she is so adorable when she is confused.'

"Rey you came from nothing. You were nothing, but not to me." I start, trying to hold eye contact with her best I can. "Ben..." Rey states the question, and I can feel her fear spike through the force. 'Force, that sounded way better in my head. Why did I think that would work better a second time around? It didn't even work the first time. She must think I am trying to leave her. Force!' I quickly move on hoping to turn this thing around. "I have never been the easiest person to deal with. I have put you through so much that any sane person would have run away..." "Are you calling me insane?" Rey interrupts with a look of hurt on her face. 'Force, she is taking this the wrong way. Why is finding the right words to say have to be so hard? Force, what do I do?' I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I allow the force to temporarily fill me, hoping if anything it can help me not lose the only thing that matters to me. "Rey...Our dyad connection keeps us connected on a level so deep it's hard to understand and explain with words, however, this is not enough for me. I want more." As soon as the words leave my mouth I feel Rey relax once more. 'Oh, Thank The Force!' I start to get choked up with the swirl of emotions I feel right now and start to fiddle with the box in my pocket. "Rey there's no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with than you. I want to go on adventures across the galaxy with you. I want to support all your beautiful hopes and dreams. I want to make your dreams of having a family of your own come true. We have already been through so much together, there is no one else in this whole galaxy who I would have rather been at my side through this than you." I get down on one knee, my heart feels like it's threatening to pound out of my chest. I pull the box out of my pocket. "Death could not even keep us apart, although it tried and if that can't then nothing else that can. I love you my ray of light, with all my heart. Will you do me the honor of piloting our next life long adventure together with me?" I pause for a brief moment, my heart starting to feel as if it might explode, as I lift the lid off the tiny box revealing my grandmother's wedding band. "My beautiful Ray of light from the faraway of deserts of Jakku will you marry me?"

I am terrified as she is frozen in front of me for a while. Then she starts to cry. 'Oh force, I broke her again. Crap! How in the force am I going to fix this now? Losing her isn't an option and never will be.'

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