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"Why is studying the relationship of a victim and offender important in criminal justice?That is what we hope to learn by the end of this course everyone. If I were to ask you this question right now, how would you respond?"

Ms.K proceeds to ask the boy from earlier his thoughts. "Angel what would you say?"

Angel starts to speak. "Well Ms.K I would say that studying relationships of a victim and offender is important because it can show maybe why someone did something, or why a specific victim may have been the target of a crime". 

"Very Good response".

The bell rings signaling that it is 10:00PM and class is officially over. Backpacks shuffling as students are putting away their Ipads and papers, and chairs scuffing the floors as my fellow classmates begin to pour out of the class is all you hear.

I start to put my things away as well as I think about everything that was talked about today, and also my embarrassing little incident that occurred earlier tonight. I get up from my chair and begin to push it in as I am preparing to head out, when suddenly Ms.K leaves from her place at the door greeting students goodbye as they were leaving to come speak to me. 

"Victoria" Ms.K says.

She has startled me from my thoughts and I do a little jump as I hear her voice. 

I turn to look at her and respond "...Yes?"

There are those eyes. Locked into mine and boaring into my soul. They are that golden color today, they look how I would assume that pure honey looks like. A dark gold with a hint of brown and green. So damn beautiful yet intimidating at the same time. I feel myself getting nervous as she looks at me, and I nonchalantly take a small step backwards. 

"Were you trying to be funny today?" She asks.

My look of confusion and my failure to reply must have let her know that I was lost and unsure what she was talking about. 

"The shirt comment you made earlier. Did you actually like my shirt, or were you trying to be a clown and make the class laugh at such a serious time". She asks as she rests one hand on the table while still looking at me.

Such a simple gesture yet it looks so sexy when she does it. 

I feel the heat rushing up to my face as I realized she was asking about my stupid impulsive hand raise I did earlier. I cock my head to the side then look at her.

"Look, i'm really sorry Ms.K I didn't want to come off as rude. I wasn't at all trying to be funny I really do like your shirt, I just kind of get a bit nervous when all the eyes and attention is on me, so it made me forget my question and say something stupid".

Ms.K smiles and does a little laugh. "Well in that case thank you then Victoria. I completely understand and i'm glad you like it and I hope your enjoying the class. You have a goodnight and I will see you first thing tomorrow". She then does a little wink and walks away from me and back to her desk. 

I am frozen and with my mouth half open looking like an idiot. The wink. The fucking wink, god help me. I finish pushing in my chair and then casually exit the class. I think today will be another walking night for me. 

I exit my school and then begin to head home with millions of thoughts lingering in my mind about tonight.

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