Regaining My Composure

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Sh**, snap out of it I think to myself, as I try to get my breathing even and my nerves under control.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, then open them and steal a glance at our teacher. Her back is faced to us as she’s shuffling through some papers, but I am still in awe at what I saw a few moments ago.

My professor… her.. whoever she is was absolutely stunning. Beautiful light brown skin, a petite body dressed in all black business attire, and then there’s her features to consider.

Her eyes are what made me gasp and damn near lose my shit. They were the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.

They were like a hazel color yet in the moment that she looked at me, they looked golden almost like a cat. Her smile was beautiful as well with perfectly white teeth. She was stunning and I couldn’t help but..

*Someone begins speaking at the front thus snapping me out of my thoughts* 

“Hello class and good evening, my name is Miss Kazan, but you guys can call me Dr.K”

A professor with a doctorate degree? This is gonna be fun I thought to myself.

“So a Little about myself to get the introductions going…
she said as she walked around the room making me nervous.. im a defense attorney, I am Arabic and I am fluent in sign language”

Arabic? That explains her natural beauty and those eyes

“How about you?”

Snapped out of my thoughts once again, I shake my head and look up to see her standing directly in front of me smiling and looking at me

I freeze

“Sweetheart what’s your name?”

I am staring directly at her but frozen by staring at those beautiful eyes. I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks and I look down before I answer "Victoria" I manage to croak. I then clear my throat to make it seem as if that was due to something other than that piercing gaze.

“Lovely name” she says and then continues to ask around the classroom for formal introductions.

I look around, so there’s 13 of us in total including me.

“I’m pleased to meet you all and glad you’ve chosen this course. Over the next semester we will cover all there is to know about the victim/offender relationship and how it ties into the criminal justice system as a whole”.

She looks at me and smiles before walking back to her desk.

I laughed in my head as I see the irony of how I myself was now going to be a victim of my own thoughts in this class.

I Saw Her In ClassKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat