Day 1 Complete

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"Today's class was wonderful and I hope to see you all here tomorrow!"

I pack my backpack and quickly file out of the classroom so that I may be alone with my thoughts.
"Ok so first day of class is complete, not to bad except my teacher is crazy hot and bound to be a distraction for me the whole year..."

I've now left the building and instead of taking the bus I decide to walk home.

———-Fast Forward to a successful 20 minute walk I am now at my front door entering my house———-

"DAD IM HOME" I yell as I head upstairs to my room.

Entering my room and tossing my backpack aside I quickly undress and get in my pjs. The time reads 10:30 p.m. and I am completely exhausted from today so I lie down in my bed cozy under my pink fuzzy comforter and I drift off to


I open my eyes and I'm in the front of class sitting at my desk. I look around and no one but me is here. The door is closed and the class is very dimly lit. Confused I push up from my seat and head for the door and that's when she walks in.
Opening the door and closing it so that her back is to me I am only inches away. I can smell the lavender body wash on her and I get extremely nervous. From the back I can see that she has on some black joggers, a black long sleeve and her hair is loose in an almost messy way.
I slowly back away as she starts to turn and face me. Our eyes meet and this makes me stop dead in my tracks. Today they are greenish brown although leaning more toward the emerald green color. She smiles at me and I am in complete awe.
She slowly approaches me with her sexy self and I am frozen in both excitement and fear. We are now face to face... my nervousness makes me start to tremble and I open my mouth to speak but words fail me. She then lifts her hand to my face and I shudder from the touch although I feel my heart rate slowly accelerating.
She leans in to kiss me.
No wait to whisper something in my ear she says "Hi there sweetheart" then she seductively kisses my cheek and pulls away. We are staring at each other and just as I summon the courage of pure desire to pull her closer to me by the hair and kiss her she walks away.


I jump up startled from bed as my alarm clock blairs from my bedside table, I quickly cross over to turn it off. I then sit back and scratch my head both in confusion and pleasure at the dream I just had.

"Day one complete, only a million more to go"

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