A Short Introduction

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Hello my darling biscuits. *Waves at you* you can call me Masky.

*Awkward Silence*

I'ma weirdo who writes fanfics, what can I say? Well I can say that if you're expecting hard core fluff you are sorely mistaken.
I'm what you'd call "an unironic edge-lord" which means; I'm into shit that makes me seem like an edge lord except I'm a bitch in the online-o-vurse, not a fangirl. Mostly I just swoon and giggle a bit and have THOTS.
Well Depends on who it is.
And no I'm not a Pennywise fangirl, I'm a Laughing Jack fangirl. Huge difference. Trust me.

I'm only writing this because I got a really good idea that I liked so here it is.

I don't know how long this is gonna be, I'd say about 20-25 chapters, 1000-2000 words per-chapter, depending on how long I drag things out. Or if I actually think of a more coherent and long term plot to work with.

Also there will be some delicious guest appearances, feel free to guess who.

We update whenever the fuck I damn well feel like it, but don't worry, I won't let this story float aimlessly forever.
I just have other more important stories with schedules to keep.
Also updating whenever for the sake of my sanity.

The first chapter should be up in a few days.

So you know, make your guesses while you can.

EDIT; This adventure is going to be spilt into two 'Halves', so I can have a guilt free break in between them, and they will both be contained in this book. The first half will be with the reader as a child (Witch is were all my best,andstarting, ideas are) and the second half will be once they're an adult. (And I can have far too much fun writing lemons like the crazy bitch that I am)

Love you all, my darling biscuits, stay beautiful ~ 💮 Masky

And don't forget that we all float down here ~ 🎈 Pennywise

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