Excerpt One-- The Beginning

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It all began with The Song.

The Song woke us from our slumber, created our world, our voices.

Before, we were all just drifting in a void, an empty sea, unaware of what was around us. The Song spoke of fire and flight, light and life outside of our cold, damp existence.

We woke to this world, finding our voices and singing our first song. The Song of the First Dawn. In it, we named The Song the Dragon's Hymn, after the one who sang it to us.

No one has ever sung the Dragon's Hymn since that first day. We have forgotten the words, the tune.

But now, we need to remember.

The world depends on it. 


^ The first asterisk! Make sure he gets a lovely name, please. He's so anxious about it. 

Smooth sailing and happy reading! :)

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