Chapter 17: Together Again

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"Are you ok?" Neville is the first to speak up a bit uncertainly.

"Fine. I didn't know about Siri until now.  He's nice," Harry offers.

"Mother, use to talk about him," Draco continues when he gets inquisitive looks. "We have this huge tapestry of the Black family. Sirius is in it along with his brother, Regulus. Everyone thinks the Dark Lord killed Regulus years before we we're born but I know that can't be true."

"That could be true," Harry fidgets slightly but continues even when Draco snaps his attention towards him. "T-Tom told me that h-he was under a potion by D-Dumble-dore and that's what made him h-hurt my p-parents so he c-could've done the same thing to R-Regulus."

"That's impossible," the blond boy shakes his head. "No matter how distant Grandpa Tom is related to us in some why and even more so when he took my dad and Uncle Sev as his bonded children. In majority of the old families there is an ancient spell that prohibits the killing of another family member. My dad told me this was to prevent children from taking the Lordship too early or one person eliminating the future heir so that they would be next... in... line." Draco's explanation starts to trail off towards the end as Harry grows more and more confused and upset until he starts crying.

"W-why would y-you w-want to hurt y-your f-f-f-" he doesn't finish before he's sobbing in earnest. Both Draco and Neville jump up and into action. Draco quickly summons a house-elf to get anyone that's available while Neville tries to soothe Harry some. His words have no impact as Harry curls into himself repeating the same phase over and over again:

"They shouldn't hurt. No more hurt. Why always hurt?"

"What happened?"
"What's going on?"

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry," Draco confesses to his aunt and father with tears of his own running down his milky cheeks. He should've known that they would be the ones to come. They probably ordered all the house-elves to report directly to them if a problem were to arise. "I shouldn't have said anything. I'm so stupid," he talks down upon himself.

"You're not stupid, Dragon," his aunt speaks softly while picking up Harry and ushering all of them towards the bed. Lucius quickly enlarges it before they all settle down. He notes that while Harry is sat on Bella's lap and Neville cuddles up to the both of them, Draco chooses a spot at the foot of the bed as tears continue to stream down his face.

"Dragon, come here," Lucius pats the place between himself and his sister in law. Unfortunately, the young Malfoy heir shakes his head while hugging himself.

"I was supposed to be watching Harry when Dumbledore hurt him. I let Harry get taken by Sirius. I made Harry cry. I stole Neville's rememberall knowing how important it was. I've been a bully since we all started school. I'm such a terrible person and I don't deserve either of them as my brothers." Draco finally gets everything off of his chest before he disolves into his own tears, crying almost as hard and loud as Harry.

Lucius's heart brakes at the sight of his oldest but doesn't waste a second lifting him up into his arms. At first the miniature blond resists, but once he realises that his father has no intention of releasing him anytime soon he melts into the embrace.

"My poor baby," he coos. "You've been holding this in far a while now haven't you?" Lucius can only hold and bounce his child lightly as he continues to sob. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be calming down anytime soon. On the contrary, he starts crying harder as Harry grows more upset. Even Neville seems to be a bit misty eyed buried in Bellatrix's side.

The adults share an exasperated look before Lucius starts towards the door. They need to settle the boys down before the story of what happened can come out. This proves to be the wrong move as when Lucius is within 3 feet of the door Draco starts screaming.

"No! Don't take them away! I'll be better! I'll do better! Don't take them away! Please!" he cries and sobs and thrashes until Lucius has no choice but to set him down or risk dropping him. Immediately Draco scrambles up and crawls onto the bed but stops just before the others.

"I'm really sorry, Harry and Neville. Please forgive me. Can you ever forgive me?" he sniffles afraid that the other children would want nothing to do with him due to how he treated them in the past.

Instead of answering, Harry comes out of his hiding spot in Bella's neck to reach a hand out. As soon as Draco takes the offered appendage he's brought into a big group hug. They all exchange apologies and tears before they relax in each other's comfort. Soon Bellatrix and Lucius have three sleeping boys each with tear tracks on their face and hands clasp tightly together.

A/N I'm thinking of finishing up this story in the next few chapters. Please comment what you want to see before then, weather it's more Draco and Harry bonding or how long you exspect the final battle should be. Although I'll warn you now it won't be a traditional battle.

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