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I've skipped English since Michael told me to meet him in the spare room. Either there's something important he needs to tell me, he wants to make out with me or there's something seriously wrong.

I look down onto my outfit. I'm wearing a thin grey tank top, tucked into my black plaid skirt and I've got a pair of black chelsea boots on. I make sure that I look alright before Michael sees me.

I look around the room that I'm sitting it. I don't know why they call it a spare room because I would actually call it a storage room. There's books, textbooks and folders lying everywhere. No one had the courtesy to even tidy anything up.

I make a loud groaning noise then jump up onto my feet and begin to remove the mess. I pile everything up and categorise it.

I don't have OCD but I can't handle being bored so tidying seems to be my only option.

I turn around as I hear the door squeak open. My heart jumps because my first thought is that it was a teacher but then I remember that no teachers seem to come in here.

Michael storms in and slams the door behind him. It kinda frightens me because I don't usually see Michael mad.

He leans against the polished door and starts huffing and puffing.

"You okay?" I frown and slightly step back. I know I have anger issues but it's quite scary when you see a happy person go angry.

"No! I'm being sent off to a fucking camp thing!" Michael roars and kicks the pile of folders next to him. Thanks Michael.

"Same," I sigh, "What did you do this time?"

"The group and I poured whipped cream over Mr Thompson's car because he gave us all detention,"

That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I can't help but laugh.

"Why are you being sent off to camp?" Michael looks up towards me and I can't help to notice how amazing his eyes are.

"I ran around in PE only in my underwear. I forgot my kit and the coach said I couldn't play basketball in my outfit so I thought to myself; Why not? And so I stripped down like a boss,"

Michael takes a step towards me and his face lights up. "That's sexy as fuck."

I know exactly what's coming next. Michael's lips tug upwards as he walks up to me then wraps his arms around my waist. I stare up into his sparkling eyes then close them before our lips touch. The kiss gets hotter and Michael starts pushing me down to the floor.

I wrap my legs around his waist and Michael begins to deepen the kiss. Our breathing gets heavier and all I can think about is how I'm loving this moment. I slowly run my right hand down his chest then I tap my fingers on the zip of his jeans. "Oh Kat." Michael breathes heavily as I slowly unzip him. I bite onto his bottom lip before pulling away and throwing off my top, revealing my white laced bra. Michael's hand traces up my thighs and he tugs under my skirt. I want to take this further. I just want him so badly right now.

"Kat, you need to keep something a secret," Michael manages to speak when kissing my neck.

"Yeah?" I groan a little.

"I'm a-"

Suddenly I hear the door fly open and I feel Michael instantly jump off of me.

My heart speeds up and I flicker my eyes towards the doorway. Please don't be a teacher.


"Oh," Ash mumbles and rubs the back of his neck in awkwardness.

I widen my eyes and quickly pull back on my top. No way. "It's not what it looks like," I shake my head and stand up.

Ashton just stares at both of us awkwardly before opening his mouth the closing it. He just stares at the floor. I don't think this moment could be any more awkward.

"Luke's looking for you, Michael," Ashton mumbles then quickly scurries out the room.


I silently facepalm as Michael zips his jeans back up and I try to remember everything that just happened.

"What were you going to tell me?" I look over to Michael, attempting to escape this awkwardness.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Michael tugs at his hair then leaves the room, practically running.

I stand there clueless.


Don't even ask me why I wrote this chapter oh my, it was rubbish sorry

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