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mattia: who is it?
y/n: my brother he's facetiming me, you left hickeys mattia!!
mattia: fuck here just put on this sweatshirt
mattia handed you the one of his sweatshirts and you put it on then answered the facetime call
y/n: hey brae what's u-
braedon: where the fuck are you
y/n: at mattias...
braedon: uh? why?
y/n: we are trying to work shit out braedon
braedon: whatever just get home soon, don't do anything dumb either
y/n: you have my word
braedon: ok, text me if you need anything. bye i love you
y/n: thanks brae, bye love you too!
you hung up the phone and you and mattia giggled
mattia: if only he knew
y/n: haha, right!
mattia: he sounds like he hates me
y/n: eh maybe just a little
mattia: what did you tell him
y/n: i didn't want to tell him anything, he just caught me in my room crying after i left your house
mattia: mamas i'm so genuinely sorry, the last thing that i would ever want to do is to make you cry
y/n: it's okay tia, just leave it in the past
he hugged you and kissed the top of your head. you guys decided to watch disney plus for a little bit, mattia had his head on you chest while you were playing with his hair. he dozed off after a while and then you were looking at your phone and realized it was late and you had to go home. you tried to move without waking him up but you failed
y/n: sorry i didn't mean to wake you
mattia: it's fine, everything ok?
y/n: yea it's just kinda of getting late, i needa head home. and it's raining i don't wanna have to walk when it gets really bad
mattia: oh ok, no i'll drive you
y/n: mattia it's fine you were sleeping. i'll go i'll just text you when i get home
mattia: no what the fuck, i'm driving you
y/n: okok fine
he got up and handed you a sweatshirt to wear. you guys got into his car and he drove you home. he looked over at you once you guys got there and you just got lost into his eyes
y/n: thank you
mattia: of course baby... listen uh, i was thinkin, ouch tomorrow, after school?
y/n: sounds amazing
mattia: ok bet, i'll see you then
y/n: text me when you get home so i know you're safe okay?
mattia: of course mi amor! i love you
y/n: i love you too tia
you gave him a kiss and started walking for your front door. mattia didn't leave until he made sure that you were inside safe. once you entered your house you instantly freaked out because you knew you were about to be questioned by your brother, and you have hickeys all over your neck. great. you run up to your room and close the door quietly behind you. just when you thought you were in the clear, you heard a knock on the door, what do you know? it was braedon
y/n: what!!
braedon: uh can i come in
he sounded mad
y/n: uh i guess
braedon: uh can you unlock it?
y/n: oh yea right!
you got up and unlocked the door and you sat back down on your bed and braedon sat beside you. he looked at you weird, you could always tell he was looking at the hickies.
braedon: y/n what the fuck, so much for just working things out
y/n: what brae
braedon: y/n... even after the shit he did to you?
y/n: it was just a misunderstanding bro
braedon: bullshit bro. if he hurts you i'll kill him y/n. after seeing you hurt by the other asshole...
he paused and looked down, you could tell he was upset
braedon: i'm not watching another guy hurt you y/n ok? i'm not going to fucking let it happen, i can't
you hugged him and teared up
y/n: thank you brae, but i think i got this one. mattia is a really good guy. everyone messes up, and i genuinely love him... i can't give up on him that easily. just trust me ok?
braedon: okok, i trust you... i do. i just don't want you getting hurt
y/n: i think i got it
braedon: ok
he got up and started walking for the door until you stopped him
y/n: brae?
braedon: yea?
y/n: i love you
braedon: i love you too sis
he walked over to you and hugged you and then walked out. you went on your phone for a little bit but then you just looked up at your ceiling and started thinking about everything that happened recently

*y/n thoughts*

i think i'm in love with mattia, but i'm not sure. what if braedons right and he does hurt me again. maybe i shouldn't have forgiven him that quickly and easily. ugh i don't know what to do

*end of y/n thoughts*

you got a text message and the sound from your phone snapped you out of your thoughts. you looked over to your phone to see who it was and it was mattia

hey love, sorry i forgot to text you but i'm home. thanks for the amazing time today! i really missed you. you need a ride tomorrow morning?

me too! and idk i'll let you know in the morning. idk if braedon wants to take me or not

ok mamas, let me know. go get some rest, i'll see you tomorrow! goodnight... i love you❤️

ok i will! goodnight tia i love you too🥰

you put your phone down and look back up at the ceiling. so many things were on your mind, you were happy, but you were in doubt. eventually you finally drifted off to sleep.
(to be continued)

authors note: heyy guys! sorry i been gone for a few days. stuffs been going on... but i'm back, with a new book cover finally!! and thank you guys sooo much for 1k reads, i really really appreciate it! hope you all have an amazing friday!

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