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mattia: i'm going to fucking kill him
y/n: baby jus calm down. we'll sort this out

the dm
hey sexy! i saw that your at the beach, so am i! hope you're going to that party tonight, if you are, i'll see you there. we should def link sometime🥰

you decided to just leave him on seen. mattia looked really upset, you felt bad and didn't want to ruin his night so you just decided to avoid joesph completely
y/n: baby, look at me
mattia: hm
y/n: don't worry about it. nothings going to happen, promise.
mattia: ok
y/n: let's just have a good night ok?
mattia: okay mamas
you hugged him and then finally everyone came downstairs. we all left to go to the party. when you guys first got there, mattia refused to let go of your hand.
mattia: could you stay with me please. i don't trust him
y/n: yes ofcourse, don't worry too much. just enjoy your time
mattia: i love you
y/n: i love you more
he hugged you
mattia: what do you wanna drink princessa
y/n: just get me whatever, i'm not a big drinker
mattia: gotchu
he ordered you a drink and you guys just sat down on the couch and drank them. he had his arm around you the entire time. he got up and started playing pool with the boys as you, ally, and kai watched. you started to really need to use the bathroom. so you walk up to mattia and tap him on the back
y/n: mattia?
mattia: yea what's up baby
y/n: i gotta use the bathroom
mattia: uh ok i cant leave mid game, hmmm oh kai! can you show y/n to the bathroom please
kairi: yea for sure
y/n: thanks kai
you could see mattia whisper something to kairi. you had a feeling that it had to do with joeseph kairi took your hand you took you to the bathroom. he made sure to keep you close. you used the bathroom and came out and realized that kairi was gone. then i see a similar face walk up to me. it was joseph
joseph: hey princess, you look so sexy
y/n: don't call me that
joseph: ok sorry mamas
y/n: no. not that either
he started grabbing at your hand trying to take you into the guest bed room behind you guys. he tried to pull your hands away but he started getting rough.
y/n: let go of me
joseph: aw come on sexy. let's have some fun! no one needs to know!!
y/n: no i have a boyfriend. no.
joeseph: oh well that's too bad isn't it?
he pushed you into the room and threw you on the bed. he held your arms down and started kissing your neck, leaving a hickey
joseph: shhh not too loud now princess
he put his hand over your mouth and continued to kiss up on you. then he grabbed your neck and started choking you. then you kick him as hard as you can in the balls, hard enough to help yourself get out. then you punch him in the eye leaving him with a black eye. you got up and then he comes up to you and punches you in the lip. you fall down and he picks you back up and throws you on the bed
joseph: ever, do that shit again and you'll be sorry! i'll get you next time princess. snitch and you'll be sorry
y/n: get away from me.
joseph: i'll see you soon sexy
he kissed you and you pushed him off of you and ran off. you went back to the pool table room and sat down, forgetting about the busted lip you now have.
mattia: you good babe, you took a while
y/n: yea i'm ok
you refused to look up because you had tears in your eyes and you didn't want mattia to see. but you sniffled a little too loud and he heard, then he walks up to you
mattia: y/n? are you crying? what's wrong?
y/n: no nothing mattia i'm ok!
mattia: cmon lets go somewhere more private
he took your hand and took you to an empty room, he sat you on the bed and sat next to you. he puts his finger on your chin and lifts up your face making you make eye contact with him. he looked at you and you could see the anger grow in his face. he clenched his jaw while he talked, you could tell he was trying really hard to keep his calm
mattia: y/n? who the fuck. did that to you
y/n: ...
mattia: baby. i'm about to flip my shit. please tell me who did that to you.
kai and ale walked up to you guys and they saw your neck and face
kairi: hey guys, what's u- WOAH! what the fuck happened?
alejandro: y/n? who did that
y/n: guys it's nothing really...
mattia: baby, you have a hickey, a busted lip, and hand marks on your neck. now what the fuck happened, please tell me before i literally go insane.
you looked at kai and ale and then back at mattia. you fell into mattias arms and started crying really hard instantly.
mattia: y/n please just tell me
y/n: it was...
kairi: WHO
alejandro: cmon speak up
y/n: it was joseph
mattia let go of you and looked at you
mattia: are you joking...
y/n: i wish.
mattia: kai stay here, ale come with me
y/n: no bebe-
alejandro: woah woah, i agree, we are going to beat the shit out of him. but y/n tell us what happened first
y/n: ok. i went to the bathroom and when i came out and started making my way back here, i saw him. he came up to me and started flirting with me. when i tried to walk away he pushed me back into a bedroom and threw me on the bed. then he started-
you got choked up and broke down in tears. mattia hugged you and tightly held you close and wiped your tears
(to be continued)

authors note: i was tearing up witting this🥺 it's a long chapter ikkk

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