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y/n: mattia get off of me
mattia: no y/n listen to me
y/n: mattia we haven't even been dating for a week yet and you're already being sus i can't do this
mattia: mamas just listen to me. come sit down
y/n: i don't want too. i want to go home. i'll see you at school
mattia: jus please...
y/n: bye mattia
you walk out of his house with tears falling off of your face. you didn't know what to do. you ran home and you could see him in the corner of your eye standing in his driveway yelling with tears in his eyes
y/n: i gotta go
mattia: FUCK
you stopped and looked at him but you just kept going for your doorstep. when you finally got there you looked back and saw mattia sitting on the curb with his head down in his arms. but you just went inside of your house anyways. you ran up to your room and slammed the door behind you. you jumped into your bed and just cried into your pillow. someone knocked on your door, you sniffle and wiped your tears
y/n: who is it?
braedon: y/n? it's braedon can i come in?
y/n: um, i guess
braedon: incoming, hey i thought you were sleeping at mat- what the fuck happened why are you crying. WHAT DID HE DO. ILL FUCKIN KILL HIM
y/n: braedon calm down i'm fine
braedon: y/n, i'm gonna ask you this one more time, if you don't answer the question, i'll go and sort it out with mr big shit polibio myself, no one fucks with my sister besides me. now what happened
y/n: nothing brae we just got in an argument
braedon: abouttt...
y/n: ok ok, i was sleeping and woke up to him talking to some girl on the phone. and when i asked who it was he said it was no one. and then i checked him phone and it was some bitch named cynthia. he started acting so weird and i'm not one to assume but i just don't want to be cheated on again brae, i can't do it to myself again
you fell into his arms and broke down in tears. he sat you down on the bed while still hugging you and playing with your hair
braedon: listen y/n i understand you might feel weird about it, but did you at least hear him out?
y/n: i told him to talk but he just kept stuttering
braedon: fuck him bro, i genuinely thought he was a good guy
y/n: i don't want to assume but i just don't know what else it could be.
braedon: i don't know, we'll figure it out ok. get some sleep because we got school tomorrow. how about i take you in the morning and we go get some breakfast before hand
y/n: sounds like a plan, we haven't had much brother sister bond time in a while
braedon: yea we haven't. alright, get some sleep kiddo, i'll see you in the morning
y/n: good night brae
braedon: good night lil sis
he closed the door behind him and you decided to go on your phone. you had 4 missed calls and 23 texts from mattia. and you had an instagram notification saying "mattiapolibio tagged you in a post".
y/n: oh god this should be good!
you looked at it and he posted a picture of you and him from the beach

his post

liked by kairi

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liked by kairi.cosentino, okayitsallyyy and 897,934 others
mattiapolibio: das my baby🎶🖤
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okayitsallyyy: go off, my favorite couple
     ->kairi.cosentino: bro i'm really about to fucking kiss you all over your fucking face
     ->okayitsallyyy: rn🥺
     ->kairi.consentino: omw🥺
     ->mattiapolibio: yo keep that shit for ya bedroom, not my comment section😭
     ->tiktokroom: oop🤭 #baewatch
ig.alvaro: photo creds smh😤
     ->roshaun_diah: um i took this one
     ->robertgeorges: both of you are wrong, it was me
mattiasbaby: ok but i'm here for this, mattia looks so happy awh
     ->mattiapolibio: very happy, she's brings the best out of me... thank you my day one🤯♥️
jennahablitz: you've done better
     ->alejandro.rosario: get a life
tiktikroom: these two👀❤️ #baewatch
mattiaboner: bruh he stays going to these ugly ass girls, whole fandom is mad rn
->ig.alvaro: you're ABSOLUTELY wild if you think she's ugly
cynthiaparkerrrr: hey cutie🙈
     ->mattiafanpagee: huh? @tiktokroom 🤭
     ->tiktokroom: interesting....

you honestly thought that the post was cute until you saw that cynthia girls comment. you got so heated and you decided to just not comment. you shut off your phone and went to sleep. you woke up early the next morning and got ready. braedon took you out to ihop and you guys had some amazing bonding time. you went to school and completely ignored mattia all morning. when lunch time came you went to your locker and you felt someone touch your shoulder. you looked over and it was mattia. you looked at him and looked back at your locker continuing what you were doing
mattia: y/n please at least look at me.
y/n: ....
mattia: y/n please just say something
y/n: ok fine, what the fuck do you want mattia
mattia: ok, i guess that's better than nothing. y/n you have to listen to me
y/n: why didn't she comment that on OUR photo? HUH?
y/n: alright whatever mattia
you slammed your locker and started to walk away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back
mattia: no no no. you have to hear me out
y/n: mattia let go i'm hungry i wanna go to lunch
mattia: JUST LISTEN FIRST Y/N PLEASE. listen i'm so sorry about last night. i got nervous because i didn't want you to get mad, but it just made it worse. i'm sorry i'm sorry like i could go one forever saying how sorry i am. but i just want you to know, she's just my friend, i've never even seen her in person, i met her on tiktok. ok? it's no one over you i swear babygirl. i wouldn't do that shit to you. i know it looked back but i panicked and, i'm just sorry ok. please understand...
you could see the tears forming in his eyes more and more as he was talking
mattia: please understand, id literally kill for you y/n you don't understand. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and i wouldn't risk anything to lose it ok? nothing it worth losing you. you literally make time the happiest and i could never see myself with anyone else. understand that y/n, you bring the best out of me. i can't ever lose you. i love you y/n and i genuinely mean it
he put his face in his hands and cried. you started tearing up too and you decided to hug him
(to be continued)

authors note: ok but how do y'all feel about mattia and cynthia? i don't ship tbh, but he looks happy n if he's happy i'm happy🥺

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