ch 3 "where is Rachel"

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A/n: idk why I added this but I did and I don't regret it he's Gorgeous but he is not the main character or a character idk tbh

Allison's POV:

"what Allison stop!" Sarah groaned as I dragged her ass to class

"what was that about?" I asked staring at her waiting for her to tell me

"what are you talking about?" she asked raising a confused eyebrow

"oh don't even try to act. the way you and mason looked at each other" I said scowling at her. "is there something you need to tell me about missy?" it's like she knew something and didn't want to tell me

"I don- "

"Hey losers you are in my seat".

seriously 'losers'I thought rolling my eyes.

but of course, we got interrupted and by none other than Kathrine.

in every school there this one bitchy queen bee kinda like mean girls she is the same thing, Maybe even worse.

she was glaring at us waiting for us to get up

"There are two seats, what, your fake ass cant fit one" sarah asked rolling her eyes

"wow sarah you're so lame even in your comebacks now I know why your boyfriend dumped you " she said smugly, hurt flashed in sarah'seyes

"those are rumors and we both know it, she dumped him" I said glowering at her.

"uhh whateva" she said rolling her eyes " you guys suck anyway"

"yet you swallow everyday" I said with a fake smile.

the bell rang and the teacher told her to get back to her seat

she glared at me and walked away mouthed 'this isn't over'  

"thanks, Alli " Sarah said smiling at me

"no problem" I said smiling softly at her.

we turn back to the teacher " good morning class I'm Mrs monroe your new biology teacher the old teacher left under certain events that you shouldn't worry about" he said smiling at us "so because today is the first day after summer vacation I will not teach you anything" the whole class cheered, I like her already " but all the kids who weren't in my class last year will introduce yourself today" which made was responded by some groans including mine and sarah's.

then our groans got interrupted by the door slamming open

I turned around to look at the classroom door to see the three bad boys of the school entering dramatically but suddenly one of them stumbled in the middle of the air and fell and the guy next to him rolled his eyes while adam was helping him up

okay I think I confused you let me explain, ok let me introduce you to the three bad boys of the school. the boy who fell, Tyler Williams the prankster bad boy who isn't that harmful really playful, and fun unless you get on his bad side, has the girls all on their knees, a 5'11 handsome man with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes filled with mischief, once rented prostitutes and sent them all to the principal house and the man was married, so it caused a lot of problems for the principle, but he's one of the rich kids so he never got suspended, and he's Sarah's ex-boyfriend. yep, he's the one, that broke her heart, I really thought she would change him, and that he would make her happy, guess I wrong.

And then there is Adam hale the emotionless with a secretive life bad boy dude, he's a gorgeous brunette with amazing grey eyes and a sexy 6'0 figure, but sadly he has a girlfriend, Allison Tate one of the nicest people I know she's with me in the writing club and she so fun to hang out with, and I've only ever seen him smile around her, guess she broke his walls and they are both adorable, I hope they don't hurt each other, cuz the way they look at each other, that's love bitch.

And then there's Blake Lockwood he's what you call the playboy of the school uses girls like he uses tissues, and yes he uses those tissues again, by tissues I mean girls which is disgusting but I can't deny that he's a charming little thing he's a 6'1 with dark brown hair that looks black and the deepest most beautiful deep blue eyes that can have you melt into them, I would know and so would half of the population of the school. He's one of the wealthiest kids in school and obviously the hottest.

I hate all of them because they think the world is revolved around them, but I do respect adam because he isn't a player and never was.
So anyway as I was saying Tyler tripped, me and Sarah rolled our eyes this isn't something new he always does something stupid. Even though Sarah is pretending that she doesn't care anymore or that she hated him I know for a fact that still part of her cares about him and is still hurt and healing, which makes my heartbreak for her cuz well, I know the feeling.

"And who shall you kids be?" Asked the teachers in a confused and annoyed tone because they interrupted whatever she was saying. "And why are you late to your first class on your first day"

"I'm sorry miss we were- wait you're not Rachel" tyler said confused "where is Rachel?" Yes Tyler was on fist name bases with the teachers let's just say it was one-sided.

"She left school" she was getting more confused by the second "who are you? And why are you late to my class?"

"I'm sorry miss we were um... stuck in traffic?" Adam said to stop Tyler from crying about the fact that the only teachers who use to joke back with him and not complain about him left school.
" I'm adam and this is Tyler and Chase, we are together because I am their ride to school, that's the reason why we are late." He said smiling at her politely which earned him a snort from chase who already took a seat not caring about the fact he was late to the first day of school.
"I don't care have a seat" she said and turned back to the board.
"But you asked" Tyler mumbled and seat down next to his two best friends.

"Okay time for introducing yourselves to me" said the teacher smiling.

And the groans were back.


So I really hope you liked this *white boy smile*

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