The Rookie

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Note: Don't let the cover photo fool you. Just enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing--- yet....


Richard Grayson woke up to the sound of his 5:30am alarm. He slowly sat up, stretching his muscles while rubbing the last bits of sleep out of his tired eyes. He felt dizzy, but nothing worse than what coffee couldn't cure. Moving to start up a pot and getting in to take a quick shower while the coffee was steeping, he got washed and dressed into a pressed blue dress shirt and slacks.

He had recently been promoted to the rank of Detective about a month ago, and he was still working on making the transition. Commissioner Shue had encouraged him to take on different colors other than the Bludhaven's signature police blue, but he wasn't ready to let go.

Besides, he looked good in blue.

He grabbed his biking gear and helmet and left through his appartment door, being sure to lock up tight. He didn't live in a completely run down area, but this was still Bludhaven.

Detective Grayson made it in good time and entered the Pricinct promptly at 8:00 to find the place already bustling with energy. Officers were finishing up their nightly reports and those who worked during the more godly hours of day were just starting their shift, so the Station was not without its crowd. Whether that be a mix of cops or criminals, you take your pick.

"Good morning Rose." He said with a smile as he entered the bullpin.

"Oh Dickie, good you're here. Cheif Redhorn wants to see you in his office." Rose said, smiling back. He nodded and made his way to Redhorn's office.

He knocked four times and waited before the man let him in.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Dick addressed, as he shut the door behind him.

"Yes, I did." He said as he placed a large file down in front of him. Dick recognized the manila yellow folder, it was the last case he worked on that he finished writing out last night on record. "You did a good job on your last case son, Commissioner Shue is impressed and asked that you take lead in a joint assignment in Gotham." He praised, waving the folder in his hand in front of him. Richard stood up a little more, trying to keep the shock off his face.

"What do you know about the Batman." Redhorn asked right away, getting down to business.

"He's the vigilante of Gotham, also one of the founding members of the Justice League." He replied, wondering where Redhorn was going with this. Everyone knew about the Batman, he was a symbol of fear to the Criminal Underworld and a symbol to those who honored Justice. He himself being somewhat of a fan.

"It is true that he is a full time member of the Justice League and is considered a hero, but Mayor Garcia does not see him as such and has made the order for his arrest." Redhorn stressed. Dick nodded and waited for his boss to continue. "Gotham's forces are spread thin, Arkham breakouts are plaguing the city and Gordon has no one to spare for this assignment. So he asked for you personally." He continued.

"Why?" he found himself asking, wondering how Commissioner Gordon even knew about him.

"You're a child of Gotham are you not? Gordon needs someone who will be smart on the streets, someone who knows the city." Redhorn explained, Dick nodded his head, understanding Gordon's paranoia. Even the more senior officers of Bludhaven would not be equipped to handle the crazy that is Gotham. Bludhaven is the second highest crime ranking city in America, but it had nothing on Gotham.

That place was real Hell on Earth.

"So you will be transfered to Gotham's police department temporarily while you work on the case to make living arrangements easier. Mayor Garcia will take care of everything." He explained.

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