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On a Sunday afternoon, Mika and Koji were sitting on the couch on the co-ed floor cuddling. Fumikage sat across from them, "Have you two finished Present Mic's English homework?" he asked.

Mika looked at Fumikage, "Yeah, do you need any help?" she asked. Fumikage nodded, "If you don't mind, I could use some help." he said; Mika nodded, "Sure." she said.

Before Mika could help Fumikage, Momo entered the co-ed floor and spotted them, "Hello there." she said. Mika turned to Momo, "Hey Momo, what's up?" she asked.

Momo turned to them, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a shopping trip." she said. Fumikage looked at Momo, "Is it to cure your boredom?" he asked. Momo waved her hands, "I-It's not a shopping spree." she said, "I need some personal things from the general store."

Mika had her hand on her chin, "Now that you mention personal things, I could use some more shampoo and I have enough cash to buy a board game." she said.

Momo smiled, "So, you'll join me?" she asked. Mika nodded, "I don't mind." she said; she turned to Koji, "Do you want to tag along?" she asked. Koji nodded, and they turned to Fumikage; he sighed, "I guess I'll join you." he said, "I could use a break from my homework."

Momo smiled, "Alright! Now all we have to do is ask for Aizawa-sensei's permission." she said. They nodded as they got up and got their shoes.

(Time Skip)

After some convincing with Mr. Aizawa, Momo walked on the sidewalks with a smile. Momo turned to Mika, Koji, and Fumikage in the back, "Come on! We need to get to the general store before it closes." she said.

Fumikage sighed, "Why were we brought to this?" he said, "She could walk to the general store on her own." Mika looked at Fumikage, "I don't mind it too much." she said as she stretched her arms, "I could use a break like shopping with others after the training we've been through."

As they were walking, a dark figure was behind them. Mika felt a chill down her back; when she turned around she saw nothing, Weird... I swore someone was behind us. she thought.

They turned to Mika, "Come on, Mika." Momo said, "We need to get going." Mika shook her head and turned to them, "Coming." she said as she caught up with them.

(Time Skip)

As they arrived at the general store, they walked around in the building. They stopped at an area filled with board games. As Mika was looking at one of the board games, the dark figure was behind her.

The dark figure held a bit of Mika's hair, making her feel chills down her back; when she turned around, no one was behind her, What the hell was that? she thought.

"Mika." Mika turned her head and saw Momo, "Is something wrong?" Before Mika could speak, Fumikage and Koji found them, "We got some things we needed." he said, "Are you guys done?"

Before Momo could say anything, Mika grabbed her arm, "Momo and I need to go to the bathroom." she said, "Be back soon." Momo looked at Mika, "But I-" she dashed towards the closest bathroom.

Fumikage and Koji were confused, "What was that about?" Fumikage asked. Koji shrugged his shoulders as they continued looking around.

(Time Skip)

Mika and Momo quickly reached the girl's bathroom. Mika looked around and sighed in relief, "Good, they didn't follow us." she said. Momo looked at Mika, "What was that about?" she asked.

Mika looked at Momo, "What?" she asked; she got serious, "Don't play dumb, you've been acting strange when we were walking on the sidewalks." she said, "What's going on?"

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