Misinformed Souls and Old Vibes

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Sammi was young. She was in her early twenties, and went through life with the knowledge that she had plenty of time left. Time to enjoy herself, time to accomplish goals, plenty of time to do whatever it was she pleased. Of course, her knowledge was misinformed. Yes, she had plenty of time, but time was fleeting- and if she continued to not make the most of it, her existence will have been insignificant.

Sammi, with her happy heart and misinformed soul, loved to travel. She traveled to big cities, to famous vacation spots, and anyplace she had heard gossip for on more than one occasion. Never had she ever been someplace others would label as trivial.

One day, Sammi, with her happy heart and misinformed soul, was invited to a party. Parties certainly weren't inconsequential from Sammi's viewpoint. The only problem was that as Sammi saw it, the location of the party was of no importance. A small town, hours away from any larger city, and seemingly out of the loop with modern society, what with its old houses and museums. She didn't see how anyone could stand it there.

Of course the host of this party would disagree completely. Allison had been living in this town since she was born, and she loved it! The old houses, all with a history and story to tell; the cute beaches, all great for swimming; the inhabitants of the town, all knowing one another. Despite the belief of Sammi, this town wasn't out of the loop at all. It wasn't like none of them had social media, or ways of connection. They knew the lyrics to the world's top hits, and the titles of upcoming movies and books. They knew the latest trends, what was in and what was out. That didn't necessarily mean everyone had to follow these trends, however. Allison had an old vibe about her, and prefered acting before her time.

Sammi, with her happy heart and misinformed soul, was judging prematurely the life that accompanied living in a small town, and it backfired greatly upon her arrival.

"Allison! It's so great to see you," Sammi said, smiling perkily at her host.

"Sammi," Allison returned the smile softly, pulling her friend into a hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you!"

In all honesty, the two girls meeting in the first place was a highly rare occurrence, even virtually as it was.

Without going into detail about how their friendship came to be, conveniently, both their accounts were active at the same time.

"I know, it's been weeks since our last conversation as well!" Sammi gushed, excitement covering how nervous she really was. She enjoyed crowds, and noise; now she was standing on a plot of grass next to a girl she didn't know all too well, a deafening silence lurking around them.

Smiles were passed back and forth, uncomfortably worn in an unsuccessful attempt to mask the obvious tension.

After this occurrence, Allison and her old vibe led Sammi with her happy heart and misinformed soul deeper into the small town. Sammi was introduced to several residents of the town, all of which surprised her. It wasn't until she was introduced to an elderly woman that she began to feel completely out of place.

"Child, what is it you're wearing?" The woman said in astonishment.

"Pardon?" Sammi asked, startled by the woman's pointedness. She saw what she had on compared to the local girls, and nothing seemed drastically different.

"You're clothes, or lack there of," the woman said, her tone dripping with malice. Sammi was aghast with the treatment she was receiving, and Allison was quick to pull her away.

No scolding was given to the old woman, and no words of help were lent to Sammi.

Sammi, with a not-so-happy heart and a misinformed soul, stared at Allison until she spoke up.

"I don't necessarily agree with what the old woman said, and I'm sure there are quite a few others who completely disagree with her, but despite the concept of 'being yourself', and 'not caring what others think', you do have to take into consideration what the world perceives you as. 'Cool' won't cut it in a job interview."

The deafening and uncomfortable silence returned.

"Would you mind if I told you what you should probably take into consideration?" Sammi told Allison. "The world is changing. You should too."


And so, Sammi, with a not-so-happy heart and a better informed soul; and Allison, with a not-so-old vibe about her, together walked away from the small town, and into the changing and mature world that surrounded them.


AN: I'm really sorry I never update, but this was an assignment in which I had to write about a location I was passionate about; I couldn't think of much to write, so I decided to personify the small town in which I live and a city I love to visit. This is what happened...


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