Harry texted me, saying he was outside. He and Liam had drove here together to pick the both of us up. Louis and Niall were taking separate cars, and my two coworkers were going to meet me there.

I assumed that the guys would just get some drinks and socialize between each other while the girls would dance and have as much fun as possible.

The coworkers that invited me were my absolute favorite people to work with. One is named Ashley and the other is Tatum. They're both a year older than me and some of the most fun people I know.

I was excited to go out and party, especially with Harry. He's been so stressed with the gang, and since he decided to stay here, I want him to be able to have fun, too.

Eliza and I walked out of the building and saw Liam and Harry standing outside of Liam's car.

The two of them turned their heads to look at us exiting. Liam had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth while Harry had one tucked behind his ear.

Harry looked so good. It actually caught me off guard. He was in his regular black jeans, but instead of a black t-shirt, he was wearing a white button-up that was only done up a little more than halfway so his chest was basically exposed. The sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, exposing his tattoos.

His hair is what shocked me the most. It looked styled. Not to the extent that Cody would usually have it, but his curls were gelled into place while one curl escaped and hung loosely in front of his forehead.

I think I forgot how to breathe when I walked up to him. He looked me up and down then smirked, taking the smoke behind his ear and pinning it between his teeth.

"You look great." he says with the cigarette between his lips.

"Yeah." I clear my throat awkwardly. "So do you." I press my lips together and shut my eyes after the incredibly cringey words left my mouth.

Could you be more obvious, Lydia. I mean really.

"We should get going. Louis and Niall are already there." Liam says, looking down at his phone.

Harry gets into the passenger seat while Eliza and I get in the back.

I watch Harry as he looks out his window with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth still. It wasn't even lit.

"Are you gonna light that?" I ask, causing him to crane his neck to look at me quickly.

"Not until we at least get to the club. It's my only smoke tonight and I'm sure I'll need it at some point when we're in there." he responds.

I've come to realize that Harry only really smokes when he's stressed or worried about something.

I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder. "You know there's nothing to worry about, right?" I reassure.

He sighs and brings his hand up to mine, grabbing my finger with the ring on it gently. "I know." he says.

I take my hand away and sit back. I knew he was just worried because of everything that's happened in the past...but I feel it in my gut that nothing bad was going to happen tonight.

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