Chp. 6

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I had soon finished the last of my homework, sighing in annoyance. God damn, shouldn't I have a pass on this since I just transferred? My brain doesn't even know half of what the teachers were teaching!

Slowly, my body moves to stand up and I pack up the papers spread out on the library desk. My head turns to check the time, and my eyes widen. I then look out the window.

The hell?! Why is the sun almost going down? There's no way that it took around two hours for me to complete this pile of shit. That reminds me, when are my parents going to come pick me up? It's fine, let's just get out of here first. I take my backpack and swing it over my shoulder, making my way to the door. The librarian looks up at me and gives me a slight smile.

"Have a good day." She says, before going back to her work. I give her my thanks and continue walking. This school is weird to say the least, but at least there are still some females here. I would appreciate it if I had a female friend to talk to though. Can't my inner girly side come out once in a while?

The air is quite chilly, and I slightly shiver in my school uniform. It's cute, but not enough to cover me from the weather. My feet continue moving on their own, and my hand grips my phone tightly. I seriously want to go home - and flop onto my bed. As my thoughts occupy me, a voice calls out.

"You're finally done?" I look up, is that person talking to me or someone else? We make eye contact, and it's...Hachiro. The fuck? Didn't he go back home or something? Furthermore, he's leaning on one of the damn school pillars. His pose also looks like he's trying to be cool.

"What the hell - Hachiro, why are you here?" I ask, giving him a confused and annoyed look. Hachiro only returns a charming smile to me.

"I'd figured I would wait for you, Miss Cox." Yeah, no.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll kindly decline." I quickly reply, walking past him. He stares at me - surprised before turning into a fit of laughter. "...What even." I mutter out, trying to scoot away from him.

"Pfft, you're so amusing." Hachiro states, showing me his smile. Okay, let's ignore him. After another glance, I continue staring off into the sunset. My parents have told me only to message them if it's important. Well, they probably forgot about me - like always.

Opening up my phone, I tap on the texting app and go to my father's contact. While typing, however, Hachiro looks at me.

"Are you texting your dad?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply, and the conversation ends there before he continues.

"So, did you enjoy your first day of school here, Miss Cox?" Hachiro asks, looking ahead. My reply is to instinctively scoff.

"Not really, there's no way I'll fit in this school. There are also some people who aren't very welcoming." Upon saying my last sentence, I divert my stare to Hachiro. He looks slightly surprised, but quickly gets back into his normal cool aura. Guess he does know what I'm talking about.

"Miss Cox...are you referring to what happened in the morning today?" My lips curve into a smile. No shit, sherlock.

"Bingo!" I replied. It's strange that I don't normally get along with people.

"A question," I said, holding out the second syllable longer, while looking at Hachiro.

"Yes Miss. Cox?" he asked. He looked at me with such a cool look.

"Have you ever had any friends?" I asked him. His expression wasn't what I was expecting. He looked confused by what I meant. Huh? Unexpected to say the least. Despite his annoying comments, he's charismatic. Isn't he like the student council president of this school too?

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