Chp. 3

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"My name is Kota," he said. Wow, what an unusual name.

"Your name sounds cool, and well you already know my name sooo. . ." I said, extending my hand to Kota.

"Why don't we be friends?" I asked, staring into his green eyes. I was awaiting for his response. Please say yes, if you don't - I think I'll die of embarrassment.

"Sure!" He said smiling while shaking my hand. My chest felt a bit warm, I made my first friend here! During the time we had left, we were just talking about normal stuff - really anything that came to mind. Suddenly the bell rang signaling us to go to our next class.

"Ah, it's time for class! Guess I'll see you around Akamai," He said standing up. Kota shot me a small smile, and he started running. Before I could ask him where math was, he was already gone from my sight. The hell - he's fast.

Sighing, I stood up and started walking in a random direction. As I walked down a dim hallway, it gave off a weird feeling.


The fuck? First a suspicious hallway and now a loud-ass thud! However, it sounded almost like someone falling down. Worried that someone could be severely injured I rushed to where the noise came from. When I made it there, three or so guys were ganging up on this boy. Calmly I walked up to them.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, startling them all. They had stopped what they were doing.

"What's a little girl like you doing here?" One of the boys asked. His posture and face looked intimidating, but then again he looked pretty scrawny.

"Heh, think she's the new girl," another said. His attitude was pretty shitty. I can see why there friends, but I don't understand why you would beat up a boy. I took a quick glance at the boy on the ground, he seemed pretty beat up. Covered in bruises and blood. His dark brown hair covered his eyes, but he seemed taller than average and a little muscular. Why didn't he fight back then? Suddenly, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you two done talking?" A boy said. He was different from the other two, appearance-wise. He had a tall and slightly muscular build, crimson red eyes, and Jet black hair. He also had a scar on his left cheek. There was an intimidating presence around him, fitting for a gang leader or something.

"BOSS!" both of the guys said. They seemed to have straightened up.

"Who's the girl, why is she here?" the leader said. He was glaring me down, though intimidating as it is, I'm stuck in a school of emo boys who try to be rebellious.

"I think she's the new girl," One of his followers said, like most of the boys in this school they all wore black.

"What's a girl like you doing here?" the leader asked, again glaring me down. It pisses me off. . .

"The fuck do you think you're doing to that guy?" I asked glaring at him. Startling him, but he makes a quick recovery. I really don't want to stay here anymore. Quickly I checked the time on my watch. 'Shit' I'm late. When did the bell ring again though? My mind was focused on this scene in front of me. Quickly, I carried the injured bridal style. Of course, nothing is simple. . .

"And just where do you think you're taking him?" the leader asked, shooting me a quick death glare.

"To the nurse's office?" I reply, ignoring his glare. The leader had the fucking audacity to pull my hair. Screaming I quickly place the boy down. Fuck, I'm pissed.

"And what do you think you're doing?" I asked shooting him a glare. They scoffed at me.

"Please, you can't even pu-" one of his followers said. Quickly placing the person who I was carrying on the floor, my hands gave the guy in front of me a punch. This caused him to stumble back a bit, and gave a death glare to me.

"You were saying?" I said. Unconsciously I started smiling. My fists moved on their own and I started throwing some punches to his followers. They were surprisingly able to block it, but I threw more. This went on and on until one of the guys was down - and the other one was still standing, but he was holding his arm.

My body ached and one of my legs hurt like crazy. These guys could fight alright. I should have exercised more back in the day. As I'm preoccupied with my thoughts, the second guy starts to throw a fist to my face, and I immediately block. Even though I'm too weak right now, my body moves instinctly. However, I feel nothing crash into my elbows.

Huh? What happened? Slowly, I put my arms down.

The gang leader - his hand stopped his minion's fist.

"What the..." I mutter to myself, only being able to stare in shock. But the guy - his hand was at an alarming rate.

"B-Boss!" The guy who tried to attack me shouts, looks like he's panicking. "Let me teach her a lesson! She attacked us first!" Due to my surprise, the leader just glares at him - making him shut up.

"That's enough." He says, and his hands get stuffed in his pockets. He starts walking away, and the male who's still standing picks up his friend, before hurriedly chasing after him. Wow, what a dramatic exit.

I look at them walking away before the injured male on the floor perks back my attention.

"Shoot." I mumble. With all the strength I can muster left, I quickly picked up the guy bridal style once again, and make my way to the nurse's office. Seriously... what just happened? Class can wait for later, and I also have the perfect excuse in my arms and as well as on my body. The bruises I received will definitely stay there for a few weeks. Hopefully, I won't get lost trying to find the nurse though.

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