Chp. 1

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My name is Akamai Cox, and I'm what you would call - a normal teenage girl in high school. I'm not particularly pretty or popular, just in between. In fact, I consider myself more as a nerd.

In school, I would be regularly asked to help people with various work. I guess that would be proof that people think I'm smart. I sigh, and walk into my high school. It's pretty early in the morning, and the so-called 'popular' kids always hang outside somewhere. Though in my opinion, they're not the brightest. They sometimes insult kids who are passing by - in fact I often get insulted.

"Akamai, you little shit get over here!" A female voice calls out to me. My instinct is to immediately look over. It's Maria, one of my only friends in this hellhole.

"Oh -hey!" I reply, slapping her lightly as a greeting. The people who I call friends have a way of saying hi to one another. In fact, I only have around five friends in total. I'm normally alone and a big nerd. Then another one of my friends comes up.

"Yo guys!" Jackie says. Jackie's my one and only Childhood friend. She's what you could say, my ride or die.

In the middle of us getting reunited again, I'm left surprised with what comes next.

"Akamai Cox, please come to the office, Akamai Cox please come to the office," the announcement said from the school intercom. Suddenly Jackie and Maria's faces turn pale as they look at me, I've never been called to the office so abruptly before so this was a first. I walk to the office, my heart beating faster and faster. Sadly, I finally made it to the office, hesitantly walking in.

"Miss Cox?" the school secretary asked. She had brown hair and a lot of makeup on.

"Yes," I replied, trying my hardest not to stutter as I spoke. She put on a sympathetic smile.

"The principal is waiting for you in her office," the school secretary said, resuming her work. Nodding I slowly walked to the dreaded Principal Office. Knocking I heard a female voice saying "come in". Hesitantly walking in I stepped into the Principal's office.

"Hi," I said, sweeping my black hair a little bit away.

"Hello, Miss Cox. Please have a seat." I nodded and sat down. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything." She said, making my nerves calm down a bit. Please don't announce my name on the speaker and scare me then.

"Then may I ask, why am I here?" I ask.

"Well, to be frank - you're transferring schools."

My eyes widened, and my mouth opened a little in shock. What did she say? I'm hearing things.

"I don't understand?" The principal smiled.

"Your parents have decided it would be best to send you to a different high school. You will be moving on Monday." I frowned and stared at her in shock. Today was Thursday. This- no. It's too soon! "That's all for now, Miss Cox. Thank you for coming. Enjoy the rest of your day." Our conversation was then abruptly ended. She practically kicked me out, leaving me standing in shock.

What. What just happened?

The secretary from earlier noticed my distress.

"You okay?" I immediately wondered if I should say yes, but I couldn't lie.

"...Not really. I mean, I just got news of a transfer to a different high school." My voice wavered a bit.

The secretary looked surprised before returning back to normal.

"That's hard - moving schools. You'll be able to get used to it as time passes." Her positive attitude made me slightly annoyed. Easy for you to say when you're not the one experiencing it. However, I decided to thank her.

"..Yeah, thank you." With that, I walked out of the office to only be met with my friends.

"Akamai, holy shit what happened?!" Jackie shouted, shaking my shoulders. As I opened my mouth to answer, Maria immediately steps in.

"Did you get in trouble?" I shook my head. What would they say if I told them? "Then what happened?" Taking in a deep breath, the words rolled off my tongue.

"Sad to say, but I'm transferring schools on Monday."

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