Chapter 2: Q&A

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Jens POV
"Hi guys, welcome back to our channel" I said starting off the video.
"So we realized that we've only done 1 Q&A." Leah said taking over.
"So we're gonna do one right now because you guys don't even know much about us, plus we've got nothing better to do, so let's get started."
"Okay so were gonna answer about 15 to 20 questions."

{Questions are in italics | answers are in bold}

"Where was your first date?"
"Our first date was at The Bonnie, this restaurant in Manhattan." Leah said.
"Technically it's a bar, but a really cozy bar that serves food. The food was really good." Jen stated.

"What was your first impression of each other?"
"Hmm... first impression of was her voice is sexy as fuck because when we met I heard her speak first."
"That's so adorable. My first impression was she's thick as fuck!" Leah said jokingly.
"LEAH! I can't stand you, I swear you're a whole dude sometimes." Jen giggled.
"I'm kidding, it was oh my gosh, she's so cute." She corrected.

"Who's the better cook?"
"Definitely me." Jen bragged.
"Not it's me." Leah argued.
"Lee Lee baby, you're never gonna live down that lasagna."
"The ONE time I make a salty lasagna and you swear I can't cook. Well, what about the time you burnt the macaroni on Thanksgiving, I don't question you're cooking."
"You know, we don't have time for this, well make a storytime about our bad cooking." Jen said, ending the argument.

"How long have y'all been together?"
"We've been together for exactly 1 year 6 months and 6 days." Jen said.
"Actually it's been a year 5 months and 6 days." Leah said correcting her.
"No it's been 6 months!"
"You know what, we've together for 1 year 5 or 6 months and 6 days."

"When was your first road trip?"
"Our first road trip was when we drove to Chicago because all the flights were full and we were bored."
"Oooh we should do a storytime about that too."
"We probably will if we have the time."

"What was the first thing you noticed about each other?"
"I noticed that Jen says your know' in almost every sentence when no Jen I don't know."
"You don't know, you just never know you know. Anyways, I've noticed that Leah talks with her hands...a lot."
"It's an Italian thing, you do it too."
"Because it's also Puerto Rican thing, but Puerto Rican hands are different than Italian hands."

"What do you guys argue about the most?"
"Probably about who's turn is it to pay whenever we go out." Leah said.

"What was the worst prank you've ever done?"
"The Viagra Prank Gone Wrong!" They said in unison.
"That was so bad, well it wasn't bad because the sex was awesome, but it was bad because well you know." Leah said
"It was hilarious, we didn't even get to film each other, we got a little but you know, we don't wanna get demonetized." Jen said.

"Do you have any matching outfits?"
"Yesss and it's all thanks to me." Jen gloated.
"We have so many matching outfits and shoes, we even have matching phone cases, she's literally so corny."
"You never complain." Jen pouted.
"Because it's adorable and I love you."
"I love you too." Jen said before giving her a kiss.

"Who takes longer to ready?"
"HER!" Leah said as she pointed to Jen. "She's the reason we're always late."
"Well you know, I'm late...and I'm late and I'm always late." Jen shrugged.

"Who wears the pants in the relationship?"
"Leah." "Me." They said at the same time.
"Jinx!" They said, then laughed.

"What's you're favorite shows to watch together?"
"Criminal Minds, The Bachelorette, and Greys Anatomy."

"Comedy, Chick-flick or Horror?"
"Chick-flicks, I'm a sap." Jen said.
"Horror, they're so stupid, and this one here is scary cat."
"It's not funny, leave me alone." Jen whined.

"Do you guys have any traditions?"
"On our anniversary, we like to go back on the train we met on and just talk."
"And on every Christmas Eve we cuddle and watch the Home Alone movies."

"Well guys, that's it for this video, make sure to like, comment and subscribe." Leah said.


A/N: I'll dedicate 3 chapters to the 2 people that can tell me:
1) which interview the "who's the better cook" answers are from.
2) what movie the "5 or 6 months" argument is from?
3) and which interview the "i'm late and i'm late and i'm always late" is from?

P.S: If you wanna read "The Viagra Prank Gone Wrong", it'll be posted in my Jennylo One-Shot books.

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