Chapter Two: Its Houses

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is divided into four houses: Gryffindor, founded by Salazar Slytherin; Hufflepuff, founded by Rowena Ravenclaw; Ravenclaw, founded by Helga Hufflepuff; and Slytherin, founded by Godric Gryffindor.

The houses were created on the day of the school's inception. Each founder chose who they knew best in the group, assigned an animal, two colours, and three traits to said house, and named it after the person they chose. They then created living spaces and common rooms for each student that would belong to said house, before assuming the position as head of house for the house of which they were respectively named.

Houses at Hogwarts are both the living and learning communities for its students. Each year's group of students in the same house shares the same dormitory and many classes. The houses compete throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for various activities. The house with the most points wins the House Cup. Each house also has its own Quidditch team that competes for the Inter-House Quidditch Cup. These two competitions breed rivalries between the houses, the greatest of which is that between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The student has their house selected by 'The Sorting Hat' [more in chapter eight] which will assess the best place for the child in relation to what their personality traits and preferred values are, or will be.

The four houses are rather separate entities. Each has its own Common Room and dormitory, its own table in the Great Hall, and students mostly share lessons with classmates of their same house. There is no rule against students from different houses mingling, but in practice, a good majority of social interactions occur within the same house. Each house had one teacher who acts as its Head of House. Each house also had a house ghost. The function they serve (if any) is unknown, although they might be like house mascots. Each Head of House and house ghost was previously a pupil within that house.

A great deal of rivalry exists between the houses, not always friendly. This rivalry was demonstrated in the Quidditch matches and the annual school competition for the House Cup, which was determined by the number of points earned or lost by each member of the rival houses. These points were awarded or taken based on students' conduct throughout the school year. All members of the faculty and the Head Boy and Girl have the authority to grant and deduct points as they see fit in each instance. Some tend to favour their own house, but that does not seem to be against the rules.

It has also been said that all four houses must band together and fight as one if Hogwarts is to stand. It must be remembered that all of the Houses had their virtues and flaws: none were inherently good or evil. Slytherins may have earned their reputation as evil because they showed such contempt towards Gryffindor, the 'protagonist' house - caused by the understanding of their founders' actions. They also did not show much generosity towards other houses either, whether those in them were pure-blood or not.

House rivalry was mostly seen between Slytherin and Gryffindor. This rivalry likely goes back to the days of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin after they founded Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat constantly says that they were the closest of men before they founded the school. He can often be heard wistfully mumbling. 'Oh, how I miss my young Godric. I will always forgive him.' It is not widely known to most as to why or what Godric is being forgiven - contributing to my writing of this text. [also covered in chapter eight]

It is sometimes thought that there is some dislike between the members of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff due to the Ravenclaw students' reputation for boasting about their intelligence, which often annoys Hufflepuffs, who were known for being modest, gentle and kind. As a whole, Gryffindors are thought to get on best with Hufflepuffs, whereas Ravenclaws are thought to be quite friendly with Slytherins.

Once, there had been unity between all houses - alas that time has long since passed.

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