Chapter 9

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I've been posting daily and I have no idea how. Anyways just so you guys know this chapter might be graphic so. You'll see what I mean. Anyways back to the story.

It was Sunday morning. Hinata was just sitting on the couch with his little sister watching cartoons. Their mom was shopping at the store so they were home alone. Natsu was giggling at some of the characters when they heard a car pull up. Hinata didn't think much of it. He just thought that his mother came back from the store. There was no smell of Alcohol or anything. He heard the door open and saw him. A tall guy with scraggy brown hair. His father. He was back from his trip. "What do I not get a welcome home?" He glared at Hinata and Natsu. "Sorry we didn't expect you to come home so early." Hinata replied. He scoffed and went into the kitchen. Hinata knew he was gonna get drunk so he sent Natsu to her room. He went inside of his room and grabbed the key to his drawers. He was planning on writing another entry in his journal. He opened his drawer to find that it was gone. Did he misplace it? No he always put in the drawer. He looked around the room but still couldn't find it. Where was it! Then he thought back to when his friends came over. Did some go into his room and take it. No he hid the key so no one would find it. Even so who would take it. Suddenly he saw his door fling open and the guy who he used to look up to was in the doorway.

He grabbed Hinata by the hair and threw him against floor. "So was there a reason why you didn't let Akuma into the house Friday night?" He wasn't wasted he only seemed a little tipsy. "There we're people in the house. So we couldn't let him in. I'm sorry!" Hinata said. He tried to pick himself off the floor but he fell back down after he felt a blow to the stomach. "I don't want your stupid apologizes." He then walked off and went down stairs." That was fast Hinata thought. He then try stabilize himself on the chair but only ended up knocking the chair over. He finally got up and sat up on bed. He then heard yelling from down stairs "Hinata come down here!" His father yelled from downstairs. Hinata was scared he was gonna do something even worse to him. He cautiously walked down stairs to see his dad at the doorway. He thought Akuma was over and he knew he was in even bigger trouble. "My co-workers are coming over so go take a walk or something. Hinata was already dressed so he grabbed a hoodie and walked outside. He didn't know where to go so he decided to go to the park. It was near a cliff with a beautiful view of the ocean. It was extremely calming so he thought he would cool off there.

Sugawara 3rd person

Suga was just laying on his bed looking on his phone. He bored out of his mind. Then he got a text from Daichi.

Hey I'm gonna go to the park with Tsukishima, wanna come with? -Daichi

Why Tsukishima, I thought he never leaves the house. -Suga

Apparently he found out what is happening to Hinata on his own. He wanted to talk about what he found out. -Daichi

How though? Hinata hasn't come out to anyone except me. And I've only told you. -Suga

He won't say. Anyways you want to come? -Daichi

Sure, I have nothing else to do. -Suga

Okay, we're meeting there in 15. The address is ########## Ok? -Daichi

Gotcha! See you guys soon. -Suga

Suga got up from his bed and got dressed. He slipped on a scarf and coat and grabbed his keys. He then started to walk to the park that Daichi told him about. After a few minutes he arrives. He then see's Tsukishima with his head phones on. He was probably listening to music. "Boo!" Suga jumps at the sudden voice and the looks back to see a laughing Daichi. "Seriously dude?" Suga mumbled. "Hey you looked distracted so I took the opportunity" Daichi chuckled. Suga punched Daichi in the side and began walking toward Tsukishima.

I'm sorry this is short! I ran out of ideas at the end so I decided to leave it off at here! Anyways were almost at 500 views so thank you and enjoy your day! 

Word Count (771)

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