"I'll rule my own little house right here thank you very much." He grumbled rolling back over onto his side so that his back was towards us. Damien stuck out his tongue to his back then chuckled knowing that he couldn't see it until Mateus growled threateningly.

Rolling his eyes he turned his attention back onto me. Lifting his hand he ran it down the side of my cheek slowly. Staring into my eyes he sighed dreamily before removing his hand from my face.



"How old are you and Imani?"

"Well I'm twenty five and Imani is the same age just a few months younger."


He smiled brightly at my questioning. I guess he was glad that I was inquisitive about his life. I really wanted to know more about his family, well about all of their families and how this shifter thing works. As I opened my mouth to ask another question there was a loud banging on our door. It sounded desperate and urgent.

The loud sound shocked Mateus and Imani awake who sat up straight in the bed defensively teeth bared when they heard the noise. It took them a few seconds for me to calm them down but when they did I was able to hear someone we knew on the other side.

"You guys we have a problem..." Devon spoke nervously.

Damien hopped out the bed and made it to the door in record time. Devon followed him in then Jenny after the both of them. Imani almost passed out seeing that Devon only had on a pair of basketball shorts and Jenny was wearing one of his shirts that were long enough to come down to her thighs.

"Hey guys." she chirped happily.

"Hey." I was the only one to respond. Mateus still wasn't used to her bubbly personality and it drove him crazy as much as it did when Devon was around him. Imani was just shocked to see his sweet innocent cousin sitting there in her panties and a large shirt following in after her shirtless mate. Damien was too engrossed in whatever his brother was about to say to notice anything else.

"They're coming Damien." Devon said ominously making me shudder in fear. Who were coming? Someone from their pasts? Someone who wanted to attack them? What?

"Please tell me you're kidding? How did they find out about us?"

"They got it out of one of the men you sent out looking for Nicholai. He tried to hold out as long as possible but he was no match for them." He said with a gravely tone to his voice before turning to Imani.

"Yours are coming as well."

"My what?"

Well at least I wasn't the only one around here that didn't know what was going on in this conversation. He cocked one eyebrow at Devon waiting for a reply.

Otherworldly Mates [Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now