Chapter 1

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"There he is" You whispered to your colleague when he entered the library "Quiet as always" You sighed and turned back to her trying to look like you were organizing the book shelf behind you.

"Yeah. But why do you care about that?" She asked looking at you and then him.

"I don't know... there is something in him that irritates me" You explained her.

"Maybe he's nice" She joked, you rolled your eyes and turned your head looking at her directly into the eyes.

"Maybe... We don't know that, because he doesn't let us know" You hissed.

"Then go ahead and talk to him" She suggested ignoring your now, irritated gaze.

"Never!" You whispered looking around to check if someone heard you.

Talk to him? You wouldn't do that even if you were getting paid millions. But sometimes, you had to admit it, you had the urge to go and start a conversation with him. Just sometimes.

That same morning you found him placing the returned books to their shelves. You passed behind him, observing all of his movements.

You had an idea, an idea that may be a bit dumb, but would help you to know what he really hid from everyone.

Was he a gangster? No, he seemed way too innocent for it.

What if he was a serial killer and just tried to hide it working in a library and not talking to anyone... What? That didn't even make any sense.

You ran out of plots and shake your head.

Whatever he was. You wanted to know it. The gossipy you couldn't handle it anymore.

So you decided to do the most absurd thing ever. You would follow him after work.

Yes! You would follow him and know how was his life out of the library.

He lived in the centre of the city and he took the train every morning, you knew it because you saw him once.

He was walking slowly a few metres in front of you. You were camouflaged in between the multitude but kept your eyes on him.

It was cold, really cold, since it was winter you weren't surprised. But the boy, he was wearing a sweater. Really?

Where was he going? It had already been half an hour and he was still walking in the streets as if he had no place to go to.

You narrowed your eyes suspiciously when you saw him entering a shop, but you had to wait a few minutes when he finally came out with a bag in his hand. You wondered what he bought?

Maybe it was a gift for his girlfriend. Wait! Did he have a girlfriend? A strange feeling clouded the others. You swallowed and followed him again. You would find out.

It was starting to nightfall and the streets were now covered by dark shadows, you startled when you saw a dog in the distance, thinking it was a huge rat.

He finally arrived at the train station and got up in the train he always took to go home. You got up as well but were standing a few seats away facing his back.

The train seemed to take forever to arrive at the centre of the city and when it finally did, Haechan got down, but you almost didn't realise it since you fell asleep. You almost lost sight of him, but recognized his dark brown hair in the distance.

Twisted Situation || NCT Lee Donghyuck/HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now