The playground (BakuKami fanfiction)

Start from the beginning

"No real reason..." I felt that he knew I was lying.

"You are a terrible liar."

I continued to look down. "I would rather not talk about it."

He clicked his tounge at me again. He closed his eyes and I thought he fell asleep. He looked peaceful like that. I looked away after a full minute. I didn't want him to think I was weird.

My phone started to ring and I answed it seeing it was my mom.

"Hey mom." I didn't get a reply right away.

"Hey sweet pea. I have some bad news."

Oh no... "What is the news?"

"Im not gonna be home for the next 2 weeks."

"What why?!" I tried to keep my voice down. I didn't want to wake Katsuki {Who I was positive was asleep} up.

"I ended up missing my flight again." Tears formed in my eyes.

"This is the 3rd time this happened..."

"I know sweet pea. I promise I will take the next one home."

"You said that last time too..."

"I know sweet pea. And im sorry about that."



"Stop lying to me."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You Keep lying and I hate it."

"What am I lying about sweetie?"

"About missing your flight! You miss it every time your supposed to come home! You have been leaving me home alone with dad and because you left he has been drinking more and And becoming more violent!" I broke down crying. "And I just want you to come home...."

She hung up. She fucken hung up. Here I am, her son, the one she was supposed to care for and love with all her heart, crying my eyes out after I tell her what was going on and she fucken hung up.

I buried my hand in my jacket sleeves. I guess I woke up Bakugo cuz I felt his eyes on me.

"Hey Denki whats wrong?"

I didn't answer. I was to busy choking on my tears.

Then Bakugo did the unexpected.

He walked over and gave me a hug. I squished my face in his chest

It felt so nice to hug someone. And when that someone was holding you caringly and nice it was even better.

The rain started to pour harded but I didn't notice until I heard thunder.

I looked up and saw how much it was raining.

Bakugo grabbed my arm and took me in the small playhouse. It was dry in their and a little dark. I didn't mind though.

I sat in the corner and texted my dad telling him that I would not be home cuz of the storm.He texted back but only to insult me. I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket.

Bakugo walked in and crouched in front of me. I guess I started crying again cuz he wipped away some stuff falling from my eyes. He gave me another hug. I started crying again and I hugged back.

He was rubbing my back. He swiched our places so I was sitting in his lap. I felt myself blush but I didn't stop crying. He started rocking me gently.

"Alright Lightbulb, why are you crying."

I sniffed and spoke. "My mom has be-been gone for a long time. A-and my dad is drinks booze every day." He nodded so can continue. "He gets abusive whenever he drinks so I come to this park to escape him. My mom called me to tell me she missed her flight again for the 3rd time."

I hurried my face in his chest and he rubbed my back again.

"Ima kill him."

"Don't. You wont be a hero if you do."

"Tch. As if I care. If he is doing this to you then he should die."

"He is still my dad. Besides he has all the right to do so. I'm his child."

He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me so I could look him in his eyes.

"No one has the right to do anything to you unless you let them. It doesn't matter of it is you parent, teacher, or best friend. If they hurt you they are being bad."

I teared up but didn't cry. He was right. Of coarse he was right.

I hugged him tightly and sighed when he hugged back.


I was sitting in his lap and he was hugging me waiting until the storm was over. I thought he fell asleep so I started to think out loud.

"I wonder why be was being so nice today. Maybe he felt bad. It would be nice for him to. But why was he so kind about it? Maybe he likes me... No. Who would like me? I'm an idiot Pikachu and- oh my god. I love him."

I heard his chuckle and him saying"Why don't you say it to my face?"

I squeaked in suprise causing him to laugh again.

"Say what?"

"You know what."

"... " I blushed a dark red.

"Common I feel the same way. Just say it. "

"I-i you do?"

He shrugged. "Well yeah your cute."

"I don't know what to say about that."

"Maybe you can say it~"

"Ok. Bakugo I uh... I l-love.... Oh gid this is too much." I hurried my face in my sleeves.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and grabbed my chin making me look up. "Dont worry I'm not gonna force you."

He smiled making me blush again.

"Heh. Denki. I love you."

I squeaked and curled up ina ball. He grabbed me and unballed me.

He set me back in his lap and looked at me. His face serious. "Do you love me?"

"Y-yes! I do love you." I blushed at my words being all high pitched.

He smiled and leaned in closer to my face. He put his hand on my cheek and pressed his lips on mine.

I was slow to react. But when I caught up to my sences I kissed back. He wasn't forceful. He was nice. And his lips we're soft against my dry cracked ones.

When the kiss ended I was left wanting more. He smiled gently and pressed our foreheads together.

My heart felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest and end up in my socks.

When he spoke up again I wasn't mentally prepared for what he would say.

"Denki. Do you.... Wanna be my boyfriend?"

My heart just exploded. Its in my socks.


He smiled. "Good." He gave me another kiss.

*skip to school. Cuz why not?*

We walked through the halls holding hands. People looked at us. Some of them called us names, others fangirled and most of them we're supportive.

Bakugo was a surprisingly nice boyfriend. Whenever I felt sad or uncomfortable he would comfort me.

When I was with him I felt happy. No matter what happened if he was with me I was fine. Sure my mom didn't come back and my dad is still abusive but i don't care anymore.

I am happy my life brought Bakugo in it. And I wouldn't change anything about it.

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