Oh god

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(Please watch this is you have not)

It was her. Billie.
She started scanning around the room to see her new classmates until her eyes landed on mine.
She kept her stare and walked straight to the empty chair next to mine.
Fucking brilliant.
As soon as she sat down she grabbed all of my textbooks.

"Hey!! What are you doing" I said kinda angrily as she didn't ask.
"Why are you being such a bitch I only wanted to use them"
"Okay but you could of asked"
"Shut up" she said making me give her a death stare as she just sarcastically smiled and turned to the front.
For someone who is kinda hot she is such a bitch.
And someone as nice as Zoe is friends with her?
Throughout the lesson she kept glaring at me which was weird but I didn't think much of it.

The bell rang for lunch as I grabbed all of my things and snatched the textbooks off Billie, making her shout something to me as I ran out the class.
I made it to the canteen and slowed down catching my breath trying to find Zoe so I could tell her about Billie.

Instead I found Brandon.
"Oh god this is going to be awkward" I mumbled.
I went over to him.
"Hey Brandon do you know where Zoe is?"
Brandon looks me up and down.
"Nah I don't baby girl, she will probably be here in a minute"
"O-okay" I said feeling my heart beat race soo fast.

We both sat down on the table as I was just casually scrolling through my phone to stop this weird tension and to try not start a conversation. I heard Zoe.
Thank the lord.

"Y/n baby there you are!!" She said.
I smiled hugging her, I was so happy to see her my lessons were hell without her.
"Hey Zoe, I need to tell you something about Billie but I'll tell you later"

"Tell her what about me"
We both snapped our heads as I looked behind me and saw Billie clenching her jaw.

Oh god what have I started.

(Sorry this is a really short and bad chapter)

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