💧[2] My R (Todoroki)💧

Start from the beginning

• Time Skip To The Next Night •

Todoroki sat down in his bed, the dream from the previous night still lingering in his mind. He pushed it back in his head and laid down, falling asleep quickly.

"Alright today the day" or so I thought
Just as I took both of my shoes off
There was but a girl short as can be

Todoroki has his shoes in one hand, again on top of the dorms. He was facing the railing again, seeing someone new. She was about as short as the last girl, maybe a little taller. Her hair was chopped roughly, like she did it herself without looking in a mirror. She was standing on the other side of the railing, about to jump.

Despite myself, I go and scream

"Hey! Wait!" He took a few steps closer as the girl turned around. It was the same girl. They had the same (e/c) eyes and she was also wearing the same yellow cardigan.

The petite girl told me her woes

"You've probably heard it all before," she started, same as the other girl, "everyone ignores me, everyone steals." She rubbed her arm, looking away from him. "I don't fit in with anyone here." Todoroki felt anger well up in him again. 'Another stupid reason?!' He thought to himself.

"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe-" he found himself saying the same thing he did last night, " 'Cause even so you're still loved by everyone at home!" He yelled, his fists tightening, "Theres always dinner waiting on the table, you know?!" She smiled softly, "I'm hungry." said the girl as she shed a tear. She pulled herself over the railing, walking past him and back inside.

The girl short as can be then disappeared.

Todoroki woke up again. What was going on? Was this a nightmare? He got up and changed before walking downstairs. He saw (Y/N) sitting at a table by herself, reading something and sniffling softly. He walked up and gently put a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and crumpled the paper. She wiped her face quickly and smiled, standing up and looking at him. Her eyes where red and puffy, most likely from crying.

"Are you okay?" He asked, you nodding quickly in reply. "Yes! Sorry! I think I'm just catching a cold." She replied, stuffing the note in her pocket. "You should stay here if you aren't feeling well." He suggested, keeping a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, you're right! Thank you." She smiled, walking past him and heading back to her room. Something about her eyes.. seemed too familiar.

• Time Skip To A Few Nights Later!•

And like that there was someone every day
I listened to their tale, I made them turn away

Todoroki sat on his bed, scared to fall asleep that night. His re-occurring 'nightmare' has happened every night this week and continued to bother him. It was the same girl, every time, but somehow different every time. He was also concerned, (Y/N) hadn't been going to school since they talked a few days ago. He sighed and laid down, knowing the inevitable was going to happen anyways. He quickly fell asleep.

For the very first time there I see
Someone with the same pains as me

Todoroki looked up, seeing the girl with the yellow cardigan. This time felt.. different from the last dreams. It felt more tense. She was already looking back at him, no tears, just a blank expression.

Having done this time and time again
She wore a yellow cardigan

"I just wanna stop the scars that grow.. Every time that I go home. That's why I came up here instead." That's what the girl in the cardigan said before Todoroki could even say a word. Her cardigan sleeves where rolled up, showing layers and layers of bandages. "Please don't leave- please-"

Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way
But in the moment I just screamed
Something that I did not believe

"Hey. Don't do it, please!" Tears welled up in his eyes. He fell to his knees and let out small sobs. "Agh- what to do!?" He yelled, it finally hitting him as to who this girl was. That why this dream was different. "I can't stop this girl, oh this is new!" He sobbed.

For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew!

More hot tears streamed down his face, sadness and anger taking over his body. "But even so, please just go away so I can see! Your pitiful expression is just too much for me!" He screamed, looking up at her again.

"I guess today is just not my day." She said, turning around. She looked back again before falling forwards. Todoroki scrambled to get up and grab her but he was too late.

She looked away from me and then she disappeared

Todoroki woke up, gasping for air. (Y/N). She was the one who was feeling this way. Was she having these dreams too? He got up, slipping his shoes on. It was the middle of the night but he wanted to check on you. Before he opened the door he stepped on something. Paper. He picked it up and read through it quickly. He dropped it before sprinting to the roof. He stopped outside of the door, listening to see if he could hear her.

"There's no one here today, I guess it's time." He heard her voice say. "It's just me, myself and I. There's no one who can interfere. No one to get in my way here." He heard her climb over the railing.

Taking off my yellow cardigan

He busted open the doors, running towards (Y/N). Her yellow cardigan was laying on the ground, neatly folded beside her shoes.

Watching my braids all come undone

He saw her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes look back at him as she started to fall, tears filling her eyes. All of the dreams came back to his mind. He had to catch her. He couldn't lose her.

This petite girl girl short as can be
Is gonna jump now and be free

He grabbed her arm and panted. He froze their arms together and she looked up at him. "Todo..roki?" (Y/N) mumbled weakly. Todoroki pulled her up as quickly as he could and held her, quickly melting the ice. "Your quirk.." he panted, holding her tightly. "One if it's abilities is that it allows you to create illusions in other's minds, right?" He asked before continuing, "but I think you where subconsciously crying out for help.. to me." He finished, feeling her tense up. She suddenly, yet quietly, started sobbing.

She relaxed, letting him hold her while he sat on the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't see earlier (Y/N).. but I promise I'm not letting you go this time..." he mumbled, letting her sob. After she had calmed down a bit he picked up her shoes and cardigan, still holding her. He walked to his dorm room, setting her on the bed and laying next to her. "Why? You could have just let me go like everyone else.." She mumbled as Todoroki pulled her into his chest. "Because, I like you. I have for a long time. And I'm not letting you go now." He said, closing his eyes. He felt more tears seep into his shirt as she quietly cried. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear and let her cry until she fell asleep. He soon fell asleep after, knowing that those nightmares would never happen again.

(A/N) SORRY FOR THE ANGST!!! I know it's really really angsty! Writing is how I express my feelings because I don't like talking to people. I might just make a whole new book for angst! But idk yet! Thanks for reading!!

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