“Yeah, but what else? There has to be more” Rian muttered out. “maybe it was a late reaction to the explosion?” Greico wondered. “a week later?” Vinny countered. Greico shrugged his shoulders. “It’s possible”

All the men sat in silence, thinking over the possibilities but the only two they could think of was said. They all just wanted Jack to come back with news of some sort. The room was deathly quiet except for the beeping of Flyzik and Alex’s heart monitors.

Meanwhile jack was rushing down the hallway to the front desk, weaving in and out of Doctors and Nurses and others. He stopped at the desk somewhat breathless, he stood there breathing heavily, hands gripping the edge of the desk.

The lady behind the desk was heavy set with somewhat gray hair with brown mixed into it, he had on reading glasses reading over one of the multiple papers spread out on her desk. It’s a wonder she didn’t mix up files and put them in the wrong folders.

She didn’t even acknowledge Jack as he stood there waiting for her to look up. Jack let out a loud breath hoping she wasn’t hard of hearing. She put down the paper and looked up, eyes reading through jack like he was silicone. She was judging, that’s pissed jack off but he didn’t show it.

“Yes?” she asked her voice old, cranky and bored. “I need to find out where my friend was taken, she just passed out and was dragged away I don’t know where they took her!” he rambled and the lady stared at him. She waited until he stopped rambling and turned to her computer.

“what’s her name?” she asked grabbing the mouse and clicking out of a few windows and opening a new one. “Airy” he breathed out. The lady started typing away and Jack leaned his weight on the desk still breathing heavily but out of stress and anticipation. He having no patience left in him, he tapped his long rough fingers on the desk waiting for an answer.

“End of the hallway last door on left” she  replied pointing. He muttered a thank you and ran down the hallway nearly knocking over a little girl skipping down, clutching a teddy bear in her hand.

He got to the door and ran into the room, Airy lay in a white bed similar to Alex’s with a sheet covering up to her waist. Wires and tubes connected all over and a heart monitor beeping off to the side. Jack didn’t like the look of it one bit. It put him on edge knowing that the heart monitor could go flat at any second.

That’d be the end of her and him.

The door opened and a doctor walked in. one that Jack hadn’t seen before, he looked older and more experienced. “Hello, are you a friend of Airy’s?” the doctor asked nicely. He also held a clip bored in his hand Jack nodded. “well, I guess I’ll tell you what’s going on with little Airy here then” he let off a warm smile.

The doctor walked to the end of the bed and pulled a packet of papers from a little holder on the end of the bed. He opened them up and read them over. The doctor cleared his throat and looked to Jack. “well Airy, is in a coma. She should be fine, and wake up at  any time, it’s from lack of eating and lots of stress”

The doctor stopped reading and closed the packet putting it away. He looked up to Jack. “can you move her to a different room?” Jack asked abruptly. The doctor thought it over. “yes I can, what room are you thinking?” Jack told him the same room number as Alex and Flyzik. “I Will see what I can do young man, you can wait here if you want” The doctor then left to find an answer.

Back in Alex and Flyzik’s room Rian was now pacing impatiently he was worried. He was stressed out and wanted to know answers to questions, knowing there wasn’t one for some. Like when would Alex wake up, will Flyzik get out of the state he is in? one thing that could be answered. Is Airy alright?

Where the heck was jack? What was taking him so long to find Airy? Rian was ready to go find out for himself. He paced back and forth, passing everyone sitting in chairs over and over again. Vinny and Evan watched him walk back and forth.

“Rian, please just sit down, pacing isn’t going to make jack come back any quicker” Colussy said. Rian stopped and stared at him like he was crazy. How could Colussy be so calm? Rian wanted to freak out and scream, he was doing enough of that on the inside already, he was a step closer now to showing it on the outside and he knew if It came out, Flyzik would wake up and join him.

He jumped at the sound of his phone vibrating violently in his pocket. He stopped pacing and pulled it out looking at the caller ID he automatically calmed down and felt happier to the word CASS read across the screen, he answered.

“Hey Cass” He said trying to sound less worried. “Are you okay?!” she knew something was up with Rian he didn’t sound like himself at all. “I don’t know exactly” He sighed. So much for ‘everything’s alright’

“What’s going on down there, you all have me worried. None of you  are tweeting. Rian tell me the truth!” She demanded. She called for answers and god dammit she was gonna get them even if she had to leave the recording studio in New York right now and fly out to LA to get them.

“Alex is in a coma” Rian paused at Cassadee’s large gasp and shouts on the other side from members of the bands franticly asking ‘what’s wrong?!’ Rian continued. “Airy just passed out and we are waiting for jack to come back with news on her” “You trusted jack to get answers?” Cassadee asked. Rian ignored it.

“Flyzik is in some scared Toddler phase and were not sure if he will be okay or not, and Jeff has a broken leg and is on bed rest” Rian finished. “Rian I have to come see you guys!” Cassadee, was sure of herself, she needed to see everyone in person, all she would do is worry back in New York and not pay attention to anything she was doing.

She needed to see it all for herself and not have to rely on only Rian for answers. She knew Rian wasn’t okay himself and him having to remember to call will only make things harder for him. “Cass you don’t have to!” Rian said. “it’s a done deal, I’m coming weather you want me to or not, Rian I’m worried sick here and I want to see everyone, you can’t make me change my mind” Rian could picture her in his mind trying to fold her arms over her chest while still holding the phone, The fact that she was so determined, made him love her even more, and they weren’t even dating.

Rian wasn’t going to stop her from coming anyway, he missed her and wanted to see her so bad. So all he said was, “I will get you from the Airport when you get here, tell me when your flight leaves” he couldn’t help but be a little happier that she was coming.

“Okay see ya soon” The two hung up.

“Cass is coming down” Rian turned to the crew and band sitting around listening in on the phone call. “isn’t she in New York?” Zack asked. “yeah, but she is worried sick, and you know Cass, when she thinks of something she sticks to it” He shrugged his shoulders and finally sat back down beside Vinny.

“Maybe we should keep Cassadee around more” Vinny said. “why?” Rian questioned already liking the idea. “one little phone call and you have calmed down.” Rian rolled his eyes. But it was true, He needed Cass, she was slowly become his other half that kept him sane. 


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