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Chapter seven.

The scortching water loosened my tense muscles. I sighed as my eyes began to close. I was tired and at this rate I would fall asleep standing up.

I hummed to myself as I allowed it to rain down on to my face.

I finished my shower, washing my hair and body before switching the water off and climbing out. I wrapped the cream towel around my body to dry off.

My bedroom was larger than Katie's bedroom at home, but so was every bedroom here.

The room consisted of a large four poster bed with a dressing table, chest of draws and wardrobe. There was a black wooden chest at the foot of the bed where the extra blankets and pillows were kept. The bedding was a dark red, and the bed itself was piled with soft looking pillows.

The walls were decorated a cream and the carpet was brown. The bedroom was quite old-fashioned. I had stayed in this same bedroom every year that we had come here.

I got dressed, putting on a fresh pair of underwear and decided to just change into my pyjama shorts and matching cami top.

I made my way downstairs whilst everybody finished unpacking, and decided to watch some TV.

Before I did so, I headed into the kitchen to grab my left over snacks from the drive here.

Once I was settled on the couch, I decided to watch the news instead, just to make sure nothing new had happened.

I was sick with worry, I couldn't shake the feeling.

There wasn't anything interesting on the news at the moment, just the usual weather reports and the last Eagles game. But I still continued to watch it, just incase.

That was where Jared found me half an hour later. I hadn't moved from my original spot, and the news had now moved on to talk about a tsunami that had happened yesterday in Thailand. Jared threw himself down onto the couch next to me, releasing a big sigh to announce his presence.

As if I needed him to.

From the corner of my eye I could see him studying my face. He looked to be searching for something and when he didn't find what he was looking for, he frowned to himself in frustration before turning his attention towards the TV.

He was sitting right next to me, despite the amount of space that the large corner couch offered us, and I could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

He sighed again, and I had a feeling that it was either to annoy me or so that I would say something, but I didn't.

Katie and Nick were no where to be found, they had almost instantly disappeared the moment that we had entered the log cabin. Katie had claimed her parents usual master bedroom for them both, which was on the opposite side of the cabin - thankfully.

"You're just going to worry yourself more," Jared finally said. I looked over to him, his eyes were still on the TV. "If they had caught him then they would have broadcasted it by now."

That didn't make me feel any better.

"We just left that woman." I reply. That was all that I could think about. We just left her.

Jared looked at me then, his eyes were full of some emotion that I hadn't ever seen him look at me with before. It surprised me, and I think that it surprised him too because it vanished just as quick as it had appeared.

"Mary-Lou, I had to get you out of there." He tells me, as though that was supposed to make me feel less guilty.

"Yes I understand that but-"

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