Chapter 30. A New Leaf

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Chapter 30

A New Leaf

The house is about a ten minute walk from the high school, but I wanted to get a better look at the town so it took us probably twice that. We arrived in front of the school right before the 8:10 bell.

Me and Lee left a quarter of the way through our second semester of our eighth grade year, and it's now October so we'll be starting off as freshmen in highschool. Walking up to Princeville High School made me feel older, and somewhat more mature. But it also made me very nervous.

We walk up to the front door and a lady opens it for us, we thank her and enter. The school is small compared to our old one. There is a second floor, and lockers line the walls. We look left and right, the halls are filled with loitering students about to go to their first class. Down the left side of the hall I see a sign that says Princeville Highschool Office, I point and we start off that way.

We walk in and a short women was at the front counter sifting through papers looking bored. She looks up and smiles at us, a look that says wow finally something interesting.

"Can I help you?" she said cheerily.

Megan was the first to speak up, "Yes we would like to register, we're new here."

"Oh okay, I'm Mrs. Haste. Do you have your documents?"

"Yes they are all right here." said Megan and handed her three files.

"Alrighty then, we'll get these all filed and entered online. Take these papers home and have your parents sign them, and you can start tomorrow. I'll call our principle here and he'll give you a tour of the school. He's down in the guidence counselor's office right now." she said and turned around to a phone and picked it up.

She started to speak into it, and Megan whispered to me, "Guidence counselor? We should get you one of thouse."

"Shut up." I said back and Mrs. Haste turned around.

"Okay he will be down here in a second, in the mean time here are the papers. Just bring them home and have your parents sign them. Bring them back tomorrow and we'll have a schedule made for all of you. Here's a list of electives, just write the ones you wanna take and we'll get everything processed."

She passed me the list of electives and gave all the papers to Megan, I wrote my name next to the ones I was going to take without really looking at the paper. Then I passed it to Lee and took the papers from Megan and sifted through them quickly. They was athletic code things, random drug testing, and stuff like that.

Megan and Lee finished with the elective list and passed it back, right then the principle walked in and we turned around.

"Hello I'm your new principle Mr. Thole." he said and shook our hands as we introduced ourselves. "Where are you three moving from?"

"Virginia." I said.

"Thats quite a ways away, what brings you here to the middle of no where?" he said.

"Our dad's work, he's a big importand guy at Caterpillar. for some reason they transfered him to the Peoria plant."

"Okay that makes sense. Anyway let's get to that tour." he said then led us through the office door. "Obiouvsly that was the office, and if you ever need anything just go there. Or of course the guidance counselors office, Mrs. Bushman. She will help you too."

"We'll be sure to do that." said Megan.

"Excellent, now down this hall," he pointed to the right and started to walk that way," we have the library, the art room, the world georgraphy room, the health and drivers ed room, and the drafting room. You may or may not use any of these classes, it depends. Are any of you fifteen?" he asked and we all nodded. "Well then you'll all be taking drivers ed in that room. The rest are all elective classes. The library has a wide variety of books, and a computer lab open to your access during homeroom, or after school hours."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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