Chapter 8. We kick some Phobos Butt

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Chapter 8

One second, I'm just standing there with Lee still by the door. Then all of the sudden, poof, there are two of them on either side of me. A hulking black shadow in a black cloak making some kind of hissing sound that just made me want to hide under a table and scream, and an old hag laughing maniacally. I don't move a muscle but my heartbeat is going into overdrive. If I take my eyes off of one of them the other will attack full-force, they are also skilled in hand to hand combat when shifted into human form. Even if one of them is like, four million years old.

That old hag from the desk is even uglier up close; I've never seen so many wrinkles on one face before. I'm always suspicious but the "We have been expecting you" part was just creepy.

"You!" I say. That came out a little louder that I planned. I don't need any other people involved here, they would die and it would turn into a huge mess. "I should have guessed."

Thankfully on the way into the room I took in every way I could get out and memorized them. To my left behind the hag, there is a door that most likely goes into the next door hospital room. Behind me where Lee is, there is the door that goes into the hallway. Directly in front of me, there are the windows that drop down two floors to the street below.

Going out the door into the hallway is not going to work, it's empty and they could easily catch us and I didn't bother to remember my way back to the front door, a mistake. Too long a path, so that options out. Going into the next hospital room through that door will be probably getting us killed even quicker. It's closed and locked, I don't have time for that so that's out. The windows are only two stories high so we would survive the drop. They are also wide open, a big enough gap for me and Lee to fit through.

I decided that we would have to jump. With luck Lee would catch on and follow and we would be out of town within the hour. It's now I turn my attention back to the Phobos, the one on my right is still a hulking black nightmare. The one on my left is the old hag from the front desk.

"How did you get into the city? Why are you here?" I say at them trying to sound less scared than I felt. I don't think it worked very well.

"Right to the point I guess," says the hag, "but isn't it obvious? We are here to kill you. As to how we got into this wretched place, is none of your business. Enough with the small talk, now you die!" she yells, and then she begins to shift back into a shadow.

On that last word, I try to snap kick the one on my right but my foot goes right through it. Then I remember the sword and the knife in the bag.

"Lee! Toss me the sword, now!" I shout. He smartly grabbed the knife in this chaos and charged the hag.

"Here!" he yells and the sword goes flying through the air. I quickly grab it and slash at the charging enemy, but a sword materializes in its hand and it blocks my blow. I am thrown back a whole foot and am knocked off balance. I quickly recover then again engage the Phobos, who I have now decided to call 'Roy' for no apparent reason. The thought makes me laugh, because it is no name for every child's nightmare. I quickly shake the thought and focus on the problem at hand.

"Roy" is coming back for another swing which I block and stand firm this time. I experimentally take a swing at it, and he blocks easily. I have no time to see how Lee is doing, but I hear them clashing and hope he is winning. 'Roy' comes in again and tries to slice at my gut, but that was its mistake. I down block and its sword goes flying across the room. It impales itself in a wall between the hag and Lee inches from his head.

"Dude, watch it!" shouts Lee. I ignore him, and slash my sword at the Phobos and it sinks into its heart. It lets loose a screech that makes my blood run cold, and then it melts into a black puddle bye "Roy". It looks really out of place in the practically all white hospital room. But it's the remnants of a Phobos, and they don't fit in anywhere.

The one that used to be the hag saw the puddle then turned to me and charged. I instinctively crossed my arms in front of my face with sword still in hand. But the next second I looked up and all that was there was a cloud of black mist. Poof, it was gone. Just me and Lee in the room, and the creepy black puddle.

"Wow that was easier than I thought. You ok?" I ask, rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?"

"My shoulder is a little sore, but otherwise I'm good to go. We need to get out of here someone will have heard the noises. Lock the door to the hall; we have to jump out the windows." I say.

"Why can't we just walk out the front door?" he asks.

"One, because I forgot how to get there. Two, because it's a lot more fun this way. Anymore questions?"

"Yes. Why haven't we left yet? I already hear loud voices coming from the hallway." He says.

"That is a very good question," I reply," Let's leave!" The voices are getting louder like they are just down the hall now.

I run towards the window and jump with Lee close behind.

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