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Jimin's P.O.V

I went downstairs to see Jungkook looking out the window with a soft smile.

He then turned his attention to me once he noticed my presence.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Yeah.. you were quite entertained last night." I replied, playfully rolling my eyes as I crossed my arms.

He laughed. "Hey, Jin hyung said you were getting thin, so it's not my fault." He shot back with a smile.

"Hmph." I looked away and pouted until I blinked as I turned back to him.

"Right, why are you up so early?" I asked, turning back to him.

"Just happened to wake up this early. So I came down and just, looked out the window." He answered.

"What about Taehyung?"

"He's still asleep.."

I hummed. "Let's prepare breakfast?" I suggested.

"But I don't know how to cook.." he mumbled.

I giggled. "Idiot, i'll be cooking bacon and eggs, you prepare vegetable salad and cut up some apples just like our old college days." I instructed.

He sighed and smiled. "Alright." He said as we both went to the kitchen.


I stopped mixing the egg yolk when Jungkook hummed the same sad melody like he used to back in our college days.

I stared at the bowl. "When will you learn to love yourself, Jungkook?" I asked out of the blue.

Jungkook stopped humming as he let out a shaky breath. "I don't know hyung.. I wish I could."

I turned to him as I smiled a little. "We're just human, Jungkook.. we're drunk on the idea about love, hoping that it would heal our brokenness." I said, putting the bowl down the kitchen counter as I approached him, hugging him from behind.

"You're going to marry soon.. learn to love yourself more, and that's the only time you'll be able to hold a special place much more deeper for your husband to keep in your heart."


Taehyung's P.O.V

When I was about to come out of my room, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door creaked open to reveal Namjoon hyung with a soft smile.

"Did I bother you?"

I smiled and shook my head. "You didn't. Come in." I said as he walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Do you need anything hyung?" I asked.

"Taehyung, I just want to ask you of one thing.."

I turned my attention to him as he looked at me.

"Please take good care of our Jungkook.. be his peace, he's had enough pain." He said.

I smiled. "I definitely will.." I assured.

He smiled in relief. "Thank you."

"Let's go downstairs. I still have to prepare breakfast." I said.

He chuckled and shook his head. "You go on ahead, I still need to wake Jin up." He said as I hummed.

We went out my room as he went back to his and Jin hyung's room while I went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen to see Jungkook and Jimin sharing laughter.

They turned their attentions to us and smiled. "Morning!" They greeted in unison.

I smiled, greeting them back.

"You two go sit down, i'll prepare breakfast."

"No need." Jungkook said with a smile, causing me to furrow my eyebrows confused.

Jimin giggled and hummed. "We already made breakfast."

I blinked. "The kitchen seems neat, are you sure you didn't cook?" Jin hyung then asked as he came in with Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung.

"I cooked. Jungkook made salad and sliced some apples." Jimin said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and pouted. "Let's just eat." He said, making us chuckle as we all made our way to the dining table where the breakfast they prepared was at the table.

We sat down and began eating, sharing conversations every once in a while.

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