Chapter One

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Chapter One

I got out of bed and trudged myself downstairs to the kitchen to feed. Mornings, bleh. School? I wanna quit. He sucked the fun out of it, literally. I took out some strawberries, bananas, mango and a bag of blood and set it on the counter. I began chopping up the fruit and setting it in the blender, I poured the A-B negative blood in the blender too and started it. I watched it slosh and make a nasty gross color. If it had been 3 months ago I would have been disgusted by the sight of blood. Now, I’m pretty much used to it. Once all the fruit had been sloshed up together I grabbed a mug and poured my home styled smoothie in it and rinsed out the blender then headed upstairs with my mug. If you haven’t noticed I’m not a normal kid. Well, I’m no longer a kid. Forever stuck an 18 year old. What every female wants. I mentally rolled my eyes and started bath water. I crawled back in my enormous bed and cuddled my mug just thinking. I shut my eyes and exhaled slowly.


Hearing his voice sends warm chills up and down my spine, as much as I hate him now, I need to hear his voice in order to survive.

“Jerk.” I mumbled and stripped down and headed into the warm bath. I sat in there longer than I expected but then again it’s better to do that than go to school and scare every single being for being the crankiest girl alive. I got dressed in my uniform, which I hated. I put a blood red satin bow in my hair grabbed my keys and book bag then walked out to school. The High school wasn’t too far, just up the road. I stepped in the school right before the bell rang. All the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors rushed to class, while the seniors took their time. In only 1 more month I’ll be done with this. Then I can leave, for good. I got to my locker and Cameron walked up to me with his ‘crew’. I grabbed my stuff and turned to him annoyed.

“If you’re wondering, no I’m not going to prom.” I said. “I don’t have time to be wasting my life.” I said. What life? I thought. I have no life. I ignored those thoughts and focused.

“I wasn’t gonna ask you to prom, and for all I know it just might be stupid to go.” He said. I looked him dead in the eyes. Prom is waaay to important to you humans, of course you wanna go.

“Cameron, don’t waste your time on me.” I said about to walk away but he just pushed me back.

“I want you to walk with me, I’m not asking you.” He said.

“No.” I said. He laughed.

“I dunno if you really paid attention to who I am, but when we walk we’re gonna look like a couple got it?” He asked. I laughed and pushed past him. He grabbed my arm and gripped it tight. “Let’s go babe.” I grinded my teeth together, no one calls me their ‘babe’ anymore. We walked down the hall and people stared.

“Ohmygod, their together now?” Girls whispered loudly. I grunted.

“Smile for the people, hun.” He said through his teeth.

“Jerk.” I said smiling through my teeth.

“You know you like me.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

“You wish hotshot.” I said and snatched my arm away and walked down the hall. Not bothering to look back I knew what his face was like. He was probably shocked that I got out his grasp. I laughed shaking my head. I walked in class and sat down in the back. Class started, I barely paid attention, and class was over. That’s the daily routine. After 4 of my classes it was finally lunch. I ran a hand through my hair making my way to my locker. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cameron running to me. I banged my head on the inside of my locker. Why won’t he leave me alone?!

“You know what, I’ve figured it out.” He said to me.

“Figured what out?” I asked stressed.

“You don’t date anymore because of Ash.” He said. Haha, of course! That’s the reason why Cam. I heard Ash speaking to me.

“Why do you care?” I asked not answering his question. He scoffed.

“What does he do better? I mean does he feel up on you the way you want someone to? Is he there for you all the time? What?!” He asked.

“Ash was perfect. And now he’s gone so there’s no need for this conversation.” I said holding back bloody tears.

“You’re still tripping on his death?!” He asked.

“No.” I said quickly. Hell yeah I am! “I just miss him; I think we all miss him.”

“Pssh, stop telling lies, all of us hated that guy, he was perfect. Literally, perfect at any and everything and he could go out with any girl he wanted to go out with and they wouldn’t reject him. He’s probably never been rejected in his life!” Cameron said obviously jealous.

“Look, Cameron, I dunno if it popped up in your head or not but that was my ex-boyfriend, respect him.” I said. He rolled his eyes and snickered. “And you wonder why you’re always getting rejected; you’re a self centered jerk.” I said and backed away. I hurriedly walked to the bathroom evading lunch. I looked in every stall making sure no one was in here to see me cry. Then I just let it out. Why does he do this to me? Why do I have to lie to everyone, Ash I know your still here. I know you’re alive. I grabbed some tissue and began to dab my eyes. Stop killing me Ash. Come back or just leave me alone.  Ugh! I need to make up my mind first.

‘Ha, yes you do.’ He said I could hear his smile in my head.

‘Why do you torture me like this?’ I asked.

‘Because, once connected, always connected.’ He said. I wish we were never connected. ‘Sureee.’ He said sarcastically. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and stared in the mirror. I shook my head.

“Yeah, I wish I never fell in love with you Ash, you just bring pain and sorrow.” I said. Then there was absolute silence. He left. I sighed in relief but then felt lonely all over again. I sat in a stall and just stayed there till lunch was over.

After school, I went straight home. Not bothering to stay for anything at all. I got home; well… it’s not even really my house. Ha, it’s funny, cause this is actually Ash’s house, I couldn’t go home after what happened. It was too hard to control myself, it still is. I went out the back door and into the woods. I walked deep into the mysteriously never ending woods. I laid down in the leaves from trees and sighed.

“You still do these things?” I looked up at the person in front of me. A huge smile spread across my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2010 ⏰

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