"I'm calling Dylan!" He says.

"He didn't really kill you." You smirk.

"But I just bloody DIED!" He yelps, pressing the phone to the side of his head.

You hear Dylan answer on the other line.

Thomas immediately answers, "Dylan, you bloody idiot!"

You can scense the look of confusion on his face, "What did I do THIS TIME?"

This time.

Seems like a pretty accurate way of describing every situation Dyaln is in.

"I just read chapter 55 of The Death Cure!" Thomas says, excitedly.

Dylan is silent for a minute before he burst with laughter, "Oh, yeah. That. Surprise! I kill you. Or Thomas kills you."

"Dude! That's not cool!" Thomas says.

"Sorry, Mr. CRANKY." Dylan laughs.

You grin. Now you snatch the phone out of Thomas hand, "Okay, now, out of all things that are not okay to say, that was really not okay."

"Hey, Iris." You can feel Dylan's grin, "I call em' like I see em'."

Off to the side you hear Ava, "What's all this noise about?"

Thomas looks at her, "I just died!"

Ava furrows her eyebrows, giving the smitten image of Thomas, "You look pretty good for a dead guy."

Thomas holds the book up, "I mean, in the book."

"Oh." Ava rolls her eyes, "Yeah. Sorry."

She rolls over and closes her eyes again. You hand the phone back to Thomas.

"This sucks!" Thomas pouts.

"You knew you were going to die." Dyaln says.

"But you killed me!"

"Hey, you told me to."

"If I told you to go jump off a cliff, would you do that?" Thomas says, sarcastically.

"Depends. How high is the cliff and what's at the bottom?" You hear Dylan muse.

You chuckle.

Then the countdown starts on the TV.

Thomas sighs, "I've got to go. We'll finish this conversation later."

Dyaln chuckles, "Okay. Bye, dude."

Thomas hangs up, turning to you. He wigglies his eyebrows, "You ready for this?"

Your mouth twitches upwards, "Oh, yeah."

"I love you." He whispers as the countdown becomes smaller.

"I love you too." You smile, a little.





The two of you lean forward. Your lips touch and form a perfectly innocent kiss.

In that moment you contemplate the new year you'll be having, and sharing, with the man who owns your heart. The amazing, wonderful, year, with this handsome, annoying man. And he was annoying. But you loved every iritating bit of him.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now