Two minutes later and he comes and sits next to me and kisses my cheek while rubbing my stomach. after 20 minutes Toby still has his hand on my stomach and a nurse comes out.

"Cavanaugh, Spencer" the nurse says. I stand up and follow the nurse to the room she heads to.

"Mrs. Cavanaugh?"

I nod  a little nervous.

"you are 4 months along, is that right?"

I nod

"Ok, so ley down and pull up your shirt" she instructs and I do as she says.

"this might be a little cold" she says applying gel on my small baby bump.

"ok, lets take look" she says.

"the baby is healthy and are you ready know the sex of the baby?" she asks me and toby

"YES!" me and Toby practically scream.

"Well the sex of the baby is . . ." she made a suspenseful pause"

At this point my mind is running with thoughts what if its a boy. Kayden James Cavanaugh. not bad. What if its a girl, I already have a name if its a girl. Marion Marie Cavanaugh. Marion for Toby's mom and Marie after Aria cause I know how hard it was to find out that you can't have kids. In those few seconds before finding out the gender of my baby the only thing I feel is my anxiety, Toby squeezes my hand and I make eye contact with him and then the doctor.

"It's a Girl!"

I start tearing up am going to have a baby girl. I'm so happy.

I kiss Toby passionately.


"It's a Girl!"

Happy tears run down my face. Finally I'm having a baby girl who's boyfriends I can kill and keep her and her heart safe from them. 

I feel Spencer kiss me Passionately and I kiss back with as much passion as possible.

"I LOVE YOU" I tell her.


after that me and spencer headed to Spencer's parents house. the whole car ride was me and Spencer talking about our daughter.

"Do you think she will be like her father?  kind hearted, shy, and protective" she says

"Honestly, I want her to be like you" I say


"Cause I would love a mini you running around" I say

"ok, if she looks like me, it's ok, but she most defiantly has to have you eyes, Mr. Cavanaugh" she says 

Spencer's parents were thrilled when they found out about the their granddaughter, they even payed for the baby shower. Melissa really spoiled her niece at the baby shower by buying her almost everything Marion would need when she's born like newborn onesies, baby carrier, shower supplies, car seat, and her baby toys. Spencer and Toby moved to a house. A two-story house with a total of 5 rooms, and 3 bathrooms, a big backyard where Marion could play whe she got older. The nursery was perfect, The walls were white and gold perfect for a girl or boy her crib was to the left of the room nest to it was the chair Toby made for Spencer when they were in high school, the right of the room were Marion's toys, her closet and night light. Spencer decided that would be Marion's room until she turned 2, after that they would mover her down the hall, so when Toby and Spencer Decide to give Marion a sibling she wont hear them. Spencer left work once she was 8 months pregnant. Once Marion's born Toby will take paternity leave and Spencer Maternity leave sooner than Toby. Spencer and Toby chose Hanna and Caleb to the god parents of Marion.



I'm currently 9 months pregnant and any day I could go into labor any day.

"Do you have to leave" I ask Toby in a whiney tone.

"I have to work the last days I've got, I mean Today might be the last day I have to go to work" He says.

"What if I go into labor and am alone, what will I do without you?"

"I'm not leaving until Emily and Aria get her, so you wont be alone" he says and I pout

"don't worry, besides am near the hospital if today is the day" He says kissing my pout.

"We'll miss you" I say putting a hand on my stomach.

"I'll miss you both too"

"Then stay, and you wont miss us" I say trying to convince him.

I give him puppy dog eyes, staring deep into his crystal blue eyes that mesmerize me, the eyes I fell in love with.

Next thing I know is him texting someone and then he's calling someone.

"Get comfortable" He says

"What?" I ask

"Were watching a movie, so get comfortable" he says

I try to get as comfortable as I can on the couch but with my huge belly its hard to.
Me and Toby watched the Notebook and then the lion king. Toby is about to put in the third movie toy story, when I feel liquid running down my leg.








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