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[Sorry if it's too ooc, I never wrote Roxy before, also TRANS RIGHTS!!!]
It has been 2 months since you last talked to Roxy.
You two had gotten into a pretty bad fight and she blocked you from all her social media. She even blocked you from her email and she blocked your phone number.
You were worried about her. You also felt like a complete idiot. You wanted to tell her how much you were sorry but you couldn't even do that now.
School break was ending. Eventually you had to go back to school. You were going to one of the best highschools, said highschool was called Alternia High. You were a freshman and you weren't excited for school. I mean, who would be excited for school? School sucks.
Today was your first day. You put on a black hoodie, blue jeans and a pair of red sneakers. You fixed your hair a little and washed your face.
When you were done you headed downstairs. You headed towards the kitchen where you found your mom cooking breakfast.
"Good morning sweetheart! Breakfast will be done in a bit, you can go ahead and sit down." She said and a few moments later breakfast was done.
She handed you a plate of pancakes and made a plate for herself, then she sat down on the table.
"So, are you excited for your first day?" Your mom asked, taking a bite out of the pancake.
"Not in the slightest." You said eating your pancake.
"Well, don't worry darling! Everything's gonna be ok!" She said smiling at you.
"I hope so." You said with a sigh.
After you were finished eating breakfast, you headed towards the bus stop. The school bus came and you quickly got inside. You sat down by a window.
The bus was about to go, when someone suddenly yelled:
The bus stopped abruptly, and the driver grunted, opening the bus doors again.
A boy got in.
He looked extremely familiar, but you still had no idea who he was.
He was wearing pink heart shaped sunglasses, a purple and lilac hoodie with a pink cat with 4 eyes on it, black jeans, and black sneakers. He was also wearing a three colored scarf, the colors being blue, pink and white.
He had short blond hair and pale skin, you couldn't see his eyes though.
You couldn't get your eyes off of him.
He looked around trying to find a place to sit. Eventually he noticed you staring.
He started to make his way towards you.
You freaked out, only now realizing the seat beside you was empty.
He eventually got to where you were sitting. You felt like your heart was gonna leap out of your chest.
Suddenly he spoke.
"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" He said pointing towards the seat beside you.
"N-no..." You said, not being able to look up at him.
He sat down beside you.
"So what's your name?" He asked, looking at you. You quickly turned your face towards the window, not wanting to meet his gaze.
"I-I'm (Name)..." You said feeling really shy.
"Well nice to meet you (Name), I'm James." He said reaching out his hand. You shook his hand.
"You're going to Alternia High, right?" James asked.
"Yeah, why?" You asked, you had calmed down a little now.
"I'm going there too!" He said smiling.
It felt as everything froze in time. His smile, it was simply wonderful.
You caught yourself staring at him again.
"Is there something wrong?" He asked, looking at you concerned.
"N-no! Everything's okay!" You said loudly, startling him.
"Uh, okay." He said, pulling out his phone and a pair of earbuds from his pockets.
It seemed as if he was texting someone while listening to music.
The ride was silent, but every time his leg brushed against yours your heart would skip a beat.
Finally the bus stopped at your destination. You, James and a bunch of other students got up. Everyone got out of the bus. You were about to head to your class when you heard someone yell (again).
"Hey (Name)!" You immediately recognized the voice. It was John, your childhood best friend. You knew him since kindergarten.
"Do you think we have the same classes?" John asked, giving you a buck tooth smile.
"Well, let's find out." You said heading inside the huge building, John following behind you.
~~Timeskip to lunch~~
You sat at the table with your friends. Those friends being Jade, Rose, Dave, John, Jake, Jane and Dirk.
You all had ended up on the same Highschool, coincidentally.
You all chatted and stuff about everything. But the main topics where about the new school, the teachers, well mostly school related stuff.
You noticed Roxy was missing and dediced to speak up about it.
"Where's Roxy?" You asked, looking around.
"She texted me saying she was sick and that she couldn't come to school." Jane said, holding up her phone.
"She wouldn't skip school on her first day!" You retorted.
"Well she just did." Dave said suddenly.
You looked down defeated.
Then you noticed him.
He was sitting on a table all by himself. You wondered how someone as handsome as him was all alone. You expected him to be sitting with a pretty girl or a boy, who knows.
You grabbed your tray and headed towards his table. You sat down, and when you did he immediately noticed you.
"Hey." You said, placing your tray on the table.
"Hi!" He said, smiling at you. You blushed a little, looking away from him.
"So why are you sitting all alone?" You asked out of curiosity.
"Well I don't have any friends yet, and I didn't wanna sit with anyone else so I'm here sitting on my own."
"You should sit with us tomorrow!" You said with a smile.
"Ok!" James said smiling back.
Eventually lunch ended and everybody went back to their classes.
You were now in History class. You were paying attention, writing things down in your notebook, when suddenly you felt a paper ball hit you. You looked around annoyed, but everyone else was paying attention to what the teacher was saying.
You picked the paper ball from the floor and opened it. Inside it was written:
"Dear (Name),
Please meet me at the park after school, there's something I need to tell you.
You looked at James and saw he was smirking.
You were now in your final class, waiting for the bell to ring. The bell rang and you packed your things up and left, heading straight towards the park.
Sure enough, James was standing in the middle of the park.
"Hey. I'm not James." He said all serious.
"What do you mean you're not James?" You chuckled, thinking it was a joke.
"I'm not James. I'm Roxy." He said and then it clicked.
He looked a lot like Roxy. He took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of bright pink eyes. You thought you were dreaming.
There was no way this was Roxy.
"You're not Roxy..." You said in disbelief.
"Yes I am." He said with a smirk.
You felt a mix of sadness and anger.
You felt your eyes watering, and you started crying.
"I'm sorry. I was scared because I didn't know how you would react."
"Fuck you." You said, as you began to make your way home. You wiped your tears.
Finally you arrived home, you ran to your bedroom and locked yourself inside. You threw yourself against your bed, sobbing onto your pillow. You didn't want to do anything, you felt like shit.
You spent the rest of the night locked in your room, you didn't even felt like eating.
You eventually fell asleep.
Next day, you found out Roxy had unblocked you from all his social media and he unblocked your phone number. He had been texting you like crazy.
You ate breakfast, and went to school as usual.
You decided you were gonna ignore Roxy until you felt better.
You avoided Roxy in every and any situation possible because you didn't want to talk to him after the last shitshow you had with him.
Eventually you felt better and decided you should apologize to what you had done and for your outburst the last time you talked to him.
You texted him saying that you wanted to meet him at the park after school.
Of course, he came.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way. I'm so so so sorry." You said, feeling your eyes water.
"Hey, it's fine. I shouldn't have acted that way either. I was...I was scared I'd lose your friendship. I was scared you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because I'm trans." He said, looking down sadly.
"I don't mind that you're a boy now. I'll still be--" Then you realized something. There was this weird feeling inside your heart.
It was love.
You loved Roxy.
You didn't care that he was a boy now, you still loved him.
You loved him for what he was.
"I love you, Roxy. I don't care that you're a boy now. I...I always loved you." You said, looking deeply into eyes. You took off his sunglasses, looking at his lovely pink eyes.
"I love you too (Name), I always have." He said, then he kissed you. It was a short sweet kiss.
"So uh, how about a date? Maybe we could go to a club or something!" Roxy said.
"Yeah, sure! That would be fun." You responded, smiling at him.

Him. [Trans Masc Roxy x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن