Chapter Four

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Hailey's POV

Katie and I decided to go for a date, we decided Starbucks which was big of our favourite places to drink. It was my half of the week with dad which I wasn't happy about so I asked Katie our on a date. We had been together for a month and I was finally getting back to my old self, however the drugs were still being used, not all the time still just to help when I'm round dads,.

"I really don't want to stay at dads" I frowned, Katie knew how much I hated my dad although she didn't know the full facts why I hated him.

"I know baby but you have to, when your 18 you don't through, you can make your own decisions" Katie wrapped her arm around me as we sat together with our drinks and a cake to share.

"At least I've only got a three months" I admitted, Katie and I have both been together for 1 and a half months, it's been great and I've loved ever minute of it. 

"I love you Hailey-Anne Westfall" Katie whispers in my ear before she kisses my cheek.

"I love you too Katie Marie Morris" I smiled kissing Katie's cheek in return. While we drank our drinks people gave us a disapproving look but, a look that made me feel angry.

"People should stop giving us such a dirty look, it's the perfectly fine for girls to like girls and boys to like boys, they need to get up with the time." I complained glaring at everyone.

"Don't let them get to you Hails' they just don't understand happy relationships" Katie shrugged as we finally finished our drinks, he pair of us made our way out of Starbucks and went for a walk, it was only the middle of the afternoon so we decided to do something fun together. We found a photo box and decided to take some pictures. Funny faces and sensible pictures were all we had taken, we took loads of photos not caring that it cost, we had copy's of photos each and knew and couldn't help but smile.

"You make me so happy Hailey" Katie beamed as we walked towards the bus station. I was going round to Katie's until later so I didn't have to be round dads longer than I wanted to be.

"Mum wants to know if you'd like to stay for dinner, she's drive you back to your dads when you have to be home" Katie smiled happily, I smiled happily and agreed to stay for dinner; her mum makes the best tortellini, cheese and bacon stuffed pasta, it was my favourite meal of Katie's Mum. They were part Italian so obviously her mum was a good Italian cook.

"Good evening Shelly, thank you for inviting me for dinner" I smiled happily as I thanked my girlfriends mum for inviting me for dinner.

"It's no problem Hailey, you know the always welcome here" Shelly smiles, she kissed my cheek and then went back to cooking dinner. Katie and I went to Katie's room and watched a film, we decided on the fault in our stars, the film that always makes me cry at the end. I rested my head on Katie's shoulder while we watched the film.

"Katie, Hailey, Cleo, James, Carter dinner time!" Shelly called, Katie and I paused the film before we made our way down the stairs and into the dining room, Cleo, James and Carter were Katie's Siblings, Cleo and Carter were 11, James was 15, Katie also had two older brothers and a older sister too, Sophie, Casper and Andrew a pretty big family but they were all so loving.

"It smells delicious Shelly, thank you" I smiled sitting down in between Cleo and Katie. At the end of the table Sophie was sat then opposite us was Casper, James and Carter before Shelly was sat at the opposite end of the table, Andrew didn't live at the house, he lived with his wife and Twin daughters. Jasmine and Jessica.

"Thank you Hailey" Shelly smiled, the eight of us began eating our meal, it was delicious and mouth watering. After dinner Katie and I offered to wash up, the pair of us messing around as we did so. Once everything had been washed and we put everything away we both went to Katie's room and watched the film; hands in each other's, lets entwined with one another.

"Hailey I love you" whispered Katie kissing me passionately.

"Katie I love you too" I smiled in return. One thing lead to another and the pair of us were getting intermittent with one another. I had never felt so happy in my life.

"I beat get going" I signed at 10pm knowing it was late, Shelly would be wanting to get to bed soon.

"Stay the night, your dad won't care" Katie told me she knew the that it was true I decided to stay. Katie and I both fell asleep into a deep sleep in each other's embrace. The next morning I had to go home well back to dads; he wasn't happy that I didn't go home that night but I didn't care. I had been happy and that wasn't going to change

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